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Tegan : luca dinner
Luca: what is it
Tegan : pasta
Luca: down in a minute
Tegan: now
Luca: let me finish my game
Tegan: now luca
Luca: in a minute
Tegan: I'll turn your tv off
Luca: in a minute
Tegan ; fine I'll eat your dinner

I go to the dinning room and i sit down and i start eating

Luca : I'm here
Tegan : sit
Luca: whens mum and dad getting home
Tegan: tomrrow morning
Luca: why
Tegan: because they have to work now eat up were staying at kayley and toms tonight
Luca: why
Tegan; because i don't want to be in this house alone
Luca: i don't want to
Tegan: fortnight will still be here tomorrow  now eat
Luca: fine

We eat our food and i clean our plates up and then i pack mine and lucas stuff up for the night and we head to kayleys

Tom : hey
Luca : hi
Tom ; come in
Luca : can u play on your playstation
Tegan: no u can't your saying hello then bed
Luca ; uhh
Tom ; its late
Luca : no its not
Tom ; yes it is
Tegan: come on

We walk inside

Kayley : hey little man
Luca : tegans being mean
Kayley : shes a bully isn't she
Luca : yes
Ben : hi bully
Tegan : hi
Kayley : luca this my friend ben , ben this luca
Ben ; hi
Luca : hi can u tell tegan please don't send me to bed
Kayley : u have to
Luca: i don't like u now
Tom ; i know shes a pain in the back side isn't she
Luca: what does that mean
Kayley : don't worry
Tegan: right say goodnight
Luca : noo
Kayley : if u go to ben tomorrow i promise a massive bowl of ice cream
Tegan : oh wow
Luca : night
Kayley : night
Tegan : rember where your sleeping
Luca : yes

He takes his bag off me and goes upstairs

Tom : what is it with kids theses days all sam wants to do is be on my phone and luca wants to be on a playstation what happend to watching your favourite shows and wanting to be outside
Kayley: this day and age
Tegan: lets just not talk about kids and whats wrong with this day and age

I sit down

Tegan: hows work been going last time we saw each other u had just been promoted
Tom : love it the pay is good and i love bossing people around
Tegan : can't believe your a head chef
Tom: hey if u had stuck with the cooking thing i could have been your boss oh trust me i would have made u my bitch
Kayley ; your my bitch
Tom ; i know
Ben : u gonna take that
Tom ; I've learnt that u agree with her it makes life easy
Ben ; ok fair enough
Tom ; u know the saying happy wife happy life thats true
Kayley : but I'm not your wife
Tegan: when are u gonna wife her up
Tom ; don't start this up
Kayley ; i told u i want a ring on my finger by 21
Ben : good luck
Tom ; isn't happening yet
Kayley : convince him to marry me
Tegan: don't get me involved
Ben : why 21
Kayley : because i want to be
Tegan: I'm 21 in a few weeks i couldn't imagine being engaged
Tom : u probably won't even get engaged u can't even get in a relationship
Kayley: when did u turn into jamie
Tegan: he did sound like Jamie
Tom ; god i did sound like jamie there i am so sorry
Tegan: no but the thing is probably true

We all start laughing

Kayley : if u propose to me I'll date
Tegan : I'll happily marry u
Kayley : right tom I'm breaking up with u i need a ring

I take my ring off my finger and side off sofa getting down on one knee

Tegan ; will u marry me
Kayley : yes
Ben ; woooo congratulations
Tegan : thank u
Kayley ; wow its finally happening
Tom : damn both my exs are engaged to each other
Tegan : i always told u I'd get pay back

I get up from the floor and sit back down

Ben : u guys dated
Tom : briefly
Kayley : wouldn't even count it as a relationship u guys didn't even kiss once
Tegan: its not counted
Ben : ok so whens the wedding
Kayley : we will figure a date out make sure your free
Ben : I'll try my best
Tom : will i be invited
Tegan: yes can i have my ring back I'll get u a proper one

She hands my ring back and i lean back on the sofa going on my phone

Ben : what are u playing
Tegan: some game luca download on my phone its called text or die
Ben ; a great a name
Tegan: i know right
Ben: name a sport that has a ball football
Tegan: was going to put basketball but I'll put football
Ben : put what u want
Tegan : shit i run out of time
Ben : i think that was my fault
Tegan ; u have a go
Ben ; this isn't gonna go well

I hand him my phone and i watch as he plays the game and he done the same as me and ran out of time

Ben ; that game will piss me off i can think of an answer but i can't type it in fast enough
Tegan: thats my problem aswell and i don't have the best of spelling so i usually use auto correct this game doesn't allow auto correct and u have to spell it correctly to get the point .
Ben : i hate this game even more not only does it not give u enough time it also makes u spell correctly take it back

I take my phone

Ben : right i should make a move thank u for having me
Kayley : thats ok get home safely
Ben: i will
Tom : bye
Ben : I'll see u round
Tegan: bye
Ben : yh bye

Him and kayley get up walking away

Tom : I'm so tired
Tegan ; go sleep then
Tom ; i will
Tegan: meh
Tom : meh kay I'm heading to bed
Kayley : ok night
Tom : night

He walks away

Kayley : clueless or supernatural
Tegan : supernatural
Kayley : want any snacks
Tegan: I'm good thanks 

I tske the remote and i set up supern2

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