Saturday, August 13th

3 0 0

I had 3 different dreams.

1. I was driving a car from the passenger side, but was having trouble. I pulled into an abandoned car wash to move to the drivers seat. I was still having a hard time because I didn't have my license. I pulled out and see a state trooper, I'm nervous because i'm driving like absolute trash so I knew he'd pull me over. I turned beside him into a parking lot, then x'd out like it was a game. Then my moms car got stolen and we had a Red tesla.

2. I was in front of this apartment/motel and met Justin Bieber during the journals era. We hugged, such an amazing hugger. I then went into the building talking to a mom.

3. I went into ollie's to shop. I got a bottle of doritos ketchup & mustard, a fan, a tote and some other things. The line was long to check out, the lady in front of me checking out was doing math or some shit making sure she had enough money. I was checking out and kept putting the card in wrong, I spent $69

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