Wednesday, September 15th

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I was in this big rig, about to do the dirty with this truck driver, he ended up falling asleep. This girl came in the truck, because he was asleep we were gonna do the dirty. I was sucking her uncircumcised dick until she got off. I watched a tiktok that talked about it their cum is sweet they have a good diet, if it's weird and salty they don't, so i had to put it to the test, hers was sweet.

She was starting to go down on me. The man i was supposed to fuck started waking up, i was naked on the bottom half, I just pretended to be asleep fake snoring and all. I could hear him going off on this woman, i don't exactly remember what he was saying. We went to my house and somehow this woman came along, he got in my moms bed and this woman i sucked off takes some of his insides out and fills it with ketchup. she took some of his insides and mashed it into the ketchup bottle, and is now trying to squirt them everywhere, i stop her and asked alexa to call an ambulance.

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