Friday, October 28th

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I was by myself in this big stadium, I don't know who exactly was playing except it said Justin Bieber, however I think it was a premiere for one of his documentaries i've already seen. My phone was going dead, I was gonna text my mom to go ahead and pick me up but I decided to explore around. I asked this person to move out of the way so I could leave the row of seats. I found a convenient store, I searched my pockets for a few dollars but only found some dimes. I didn't see any workers in there anyways, there was no one in the store.

I found my way into another part of a building which was split up into a library and another store. These areas were nudity friendly, so I was naked. This woman took my hand and led me into a closet that wasn't really big enough for us both, we were gonna have sex but some reason we didn't. I got out of this small closet, and decided I was gonna get a hair cut, so I sat in the chair, the barber raised the chair up so I would be taller than him, then tilted it back, then he started eating me out.

I got out of the chair and somehow ran into Cardi B, we held hands and ran to the store part. She laid on the ground and I started eating her out. We were in the middle of an isle, and there were people shopping. I went to a couch with other women on it, we got close together about to have sex but this man wanted a hand job. I walked over to him, got on my knees and started giving him a hand job. He started moaning but it was super uncomfortable 🥴 I stopped and stared off, he said "are you gonna keep going??" then I said "well i'm going through stuff" then I continued to jerk him off. He came literally everywhere, he wasn't even near my face but somehow it got on me.

Some part of my dream I was eating this girl out and she literally tasted so bad, I just don't know which part lol

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