Thursday, December 10th

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I was in the old neighborhood I used to live in, instead of living in my old house, I lived in the neighbors house and my current neighbor lived in my old house. I was outside in front of my neighbors house when a helicopter started circling around both my house and the neighbors. The helicopter landed in my driveway. I said, "their gonna drop a bomb" my neighbor said, "get inside so we can hide", I followed her into her house, she had it set up like my family used to have it. She had a large brown couch that was long and curved.

My mom ran into the neighbors house and said, "they got baylee, I was in the closet". "Shes gone?" I said, she was killed by the explosion. Somehow I appeared at a school, it was younger people, I got asked if I went here, I said I had already graduated. I went into a classroom filled with older kids, there was a shooting about to happen. I closed my eyes and expected the worst. The fbi and secret service were there to intervene. They somehow convinced the shooters to put down their guns, the fbi agents took the guns. One of the shooters came up to me and asked for my number, he had brown skin, black quiffed up hair, and a beautiful smile. I was very nervous, he gave me his phone, I couldnt figure out how to operate it although it was an android, I could tell I was annoying him.

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