Sunday, January 16th

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I was at a library, I thought it was a good idea to leave my phone outside in a parking slot. I went inside to do something before heading back outside l, there were a few people hovering my phone, I said "Oh that's my phone". I grabbed it just to see people installed stuff on it, I then called my mom to pick me up.

I worked in this big building, you had to make sure every product on the shelf was perfect. It was incredibly strict, you couldn't make a single mistake or stop moving at all. I was talking to this girl, we were talking about how miserable it was here and how we needed to leave now. We both headed to the bathroom, there was someone standing outside the bathroom stalls making sure we weren't doing anything. Her and I somehow made it out of the building, I went in her car so we could leave. We rode into a town until we were stopped by a bus on the train tracks, the bus was a train. My grandma called me and my phone was only on 10%.

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