Thursday, March 25th

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I was going to do some fashion thing i assume in another country. I was in a huge airport, it had an arcade, hotel, and food court. i got lost, i was in the arcade area and i ended up asking where to go. at this point they started boarding and calling out the planes. i was told to go right but i still couldn't find my way. i was at the main part of the airport with a few other girls who were also lost. the girls got into a car and i got in another with a man in it, he was behind me rubbing his crotch on my ass. the seats were open in the back so my ass was out.

i arrived at a building where all my clothes were. i got inside to tell them i didn't make it to the plane, i was disappointed with myself. i started looking at the clothes all around me, i was also the only plus size person doing fashion there.

i ended up going back to the airport, specifically i was in the arcade part. this man walked up to me, a more attractive lil huddy. he was flirting with me, i kept blushing and walking.

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