⬍ 1 - VIOLET

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Truth and Lies- I didn't know the actual difference between the two anymore. It was to the point where I felt like I was stuck and or going in complete circles. I felt like if I was in a ongoing battle- one I knew I wasn't going to win but desperately craved.

"Aye, you ready?" Aiden asks me as he slides me a plate with a weird looking mini breakfast burrito.

"For what exactly?" I ask as I look down at the mini burrito not to sure if I should really eat it. "And what is even in this?"

Aiden laughs. "I actually have no idea." He shrugs. "Your dad made it before he left for work. I ate mine and it didn't taste that bad-" He trails off. "probably because I was starving though."

His confession makes me laugh and makes him flush.

"Anyways." He passes me a cup filled with a pink liquid. "You're going to see them and have to talk to them today. Are you prepared for that?" He states which makes my stomach church.

Yeah- I was dreading today. No, I wasn't ready. At all, not even one bit.

I swallow down the food from my mouth. "Yeah, I was going to have to have confrontations with them again eventually." I take the cup filled liquid and smile as I taste all the delicious strawberry flavor. "Did my dad make this too?"

"Nope. I made it for you." He puts on his leather jacket with a skull in the back and Russian letters that I really didn't know.

It's become a habit for me, Aiden, Kol and Ethan to wear leather jackets to school. Why? I still had no idea. But u mean- it fashionably looked cool.

My leather jacket matched Kol's with a basic white rose with the words "Sinful Angels." while Aiden and Ethan had matching once's with russian words. I had no idea what it meant but Aiden and Ethan flaunted their jackets a lot.

"I thought you'd like something sweet before having to go through what you're going to go though today."

His words make me giggle. "Wow, the famous stone cold Aiden knows how to be sweet." I state which causes him to roll his eyes.

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