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"I'm tired." Violet whispers to Garrett as she cuddles up into him and refuses to let go of Blaise's hand.

Garrett stops running his hand down her back and looks down at her. "You want to go already?"

Blaise instantly kisses her hand.

"Yeah." She says as she removes her hand from Blaise's. "I'm sleepy." She covers her mouth and yawns.

In seconds me and the guys are rushing to get out of here.

I instantly grab the control from beside me and turn off the TV.

It would've been easier if we could just walk upstairs and go to Violet's room. However, Violet decided to lend her room to her friends.

Aiden tried to protest but Violet said she'd just spend the night with us in Garrett's house. In a flash we jumped on board and encouraged Aiden to just spend the night in Violet's room so we could be alone with her. Like actually alone with her.

Me and the guys craved alone time with Violet. We just wanted to be with her so badly. We truly wanted her solely without anything else. No sexual intimacy necessary. Just her and us on a bed in ultimate peace without anyone bothering us.

We instantly grab the few things we have and get ready to leave.

"You guys seem really eager." She says wish a small laugh as she wraps herself in a purple fussy blanket.

"Yeah, no shit we are." I mumble more to myself than to anyone in the room.

She doesn't know how eager we are. Today has basically been the highlight of nearly two weeks.

Violet goes to pick up Lance, but Hunter stops her. "He's heavy. I got him."

She nods then follows us out of her house. We wait till she's done locking the door before heading to Garrett's house.

"Don't fall, firefly." Blaise tells Violet as he reaches a handout for her and guides her through the snow.

Once we get into Garrett's house Violet snuggles up into Blaise's arm. No doubt because it's just as cold in here as it is outside.

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