⬍ 25 - GARRETT

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"So, how's school?" I say as I spread sour cream on my baked potato

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"So, how's school?" I say as I spread sour cream on my baked potato.

"Good." He picks at his vegetables like a child. "You should know." He doesn't bother to spare even a second to look at me. "You and your friend teach some of my classes."

I ignore his complete sarcasm and nod. "That's good." I trail off. "Your mom would be proud of you."

I don't know what the fuck I said wrong, but Justin bolts out of his chair in a flash and is downright pissed. "Don't you dare speak about her." I instantly freeze at his rection. "You have no fucking right."

I instantly put my hands up in my defense. What the hell?

I swear this kid has awful emotional issues to the max. You also really can't ever be ready for any conversation with him because it's hard to tell what he's going to do.

I get the general idea that he hated me. He makes it abundantly clear every single chance he gets. My only question is why. Why does he hate me so much?

I was the one who financially supported them both. Both financially and in every other way. I put myself out there every single time yet Amanda and Justin act like if I'm shit under their fucking shoes. The fuck am I doing wrong?

I motion for him to sit down. "When is your mom coming back from Chicago?" I ask him as I remain as calm as possible.

He sits back down with a heavy ass attitude but does end up answering me. "In a month or two." He looks away from me and down at his food. "Her new boyfriend apparently lives over there and she's happy to live with him."

His response is news to me, so I decide to hear him out.

"Are you going to move with her?" I ask him.

He shakes his head and swallows whatever he has in his mouth. "No, I already applied to several colleges far from here but still in California. I also already applied for as many scholarships as possible." He looks at me. "Are you going to be paying for my education or are you going to force my mom to."

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