⬍ 6 - VIOLET

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"I'm fucking tired already." Kol says as he sighs and eats a strawberry crustable.

I ignore him and continue to look over the documents in front of me.

If anyone asked me a few days ago if I'd be looking over my boyfriends belongings then I'd simply say "hell no, I have no reason to." Why? Because the amount of faith and trust I had towards them was very high.

Now? I was looking over everything since I was so fucking astronomically hurt and paranoid.

"These are good, want some?" Kol asks me and as I hear another crumble of a wrapper.

"No." I turn to him. "Don't you dare drop crumbs on the floor or I'll make you scrub the floors by hand." I give him a quick glare than go back to reading the document I have in hand.

"What's so interesting about that damn paper anyways?" Kol says as I hear the crumble of a wrapper again.

"It's Hunter and Hazel's marriage license along with a clearly stated marriage agreement." I state as I continue looking through them.

"What?" I hear Kol choke on his food.

"Jesus, Kol! Don't die here." I say sarcastically. "My brother would be crying for your ass for days." I slide the cup of milk closer to him. "Also, you do realize those are my step-son's- right?" I glare at him.

"These are good though!" He whines. "Besides, that kid is chunky as it is. He could lay off the sandwiches for a day or two."

I snatch the third crustable from the desk which causes him to complain. "Hey!"

I ignore him and hold it up. "He's one Kol." I roll my eyes and toss the sandwich back at him. "My step-son acts less like a child than you."

"I'd take that as a high insult but that might be true." He laughs and stuffs the empty wrappers in his pocket and surprisingly leave the third crustable untouched. "What do you need me to do?"

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