⬍ 41 - BLAISE

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After we all head upstairs, me and the guys all agree that we have to talk to her about what happened earlier

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After we all head upstairs, me and the guys all agree that we have to talk to her about what happened earlier. She exploded on her brothers like an endless hurricane. I was proud of her for clearly standing her ground, but I don't know the exact full story. By her saying she was just having a sibling discussion didn't really clear much up. It just made me more curious on what was really going on. Not just curious, but worried.

"Can we finally talk about what happened earlier?" I ask as I hand Violet her little pimple stickers package.

What she's trying to put one of the stickers on her face for it beyond me. Her skin all over her body is perfectly smooth to the point where it's like pure soft perfection.

"There's nothing to talk about." Violet says as she puts her hair up into a messy bun.

"There is much to talk about." Garrett says as he leans against the wall behind him. "Like, starting with the fact that you looked like you wanted to murder both of your brothers today."

"Or the fact that you acted like an overprotective mom over Lance." Hunter ads on.

"Me and my brothers always have discussions. It's nothing out of the ordinary." She taps her face with a towel. "And I am Lance's mother. He's said it himself today." She says proudly.

"Violet." Ashton says in a warning tone. "Don't lie to us. We've come to an understanding, remember that?" He says as he turns the water for her on so she could get warm water quicker. "Truth only."

She looks at Ashton, then to the sink, then back at Ashton before talking. "Dean and Christian have told me, on several occasions, that I'm a child and I need to grow up. Both aggressively and passive aggressively but I've held it in for a while" She says as she opens the package, I handed her. "But when he spoke about Lance, I exploded. " She carefully grabs one of the stickers. "I exploded and I feel like shit because I don't hold any remorse for doing so. I actually feel so fucking good that I made him feel like shit this time." She carefully applies the sticker to her face. "I exploded and I feel like it wasn't enough. I still want to yell at them."

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