⬍ 18 - VIOLET

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"You look like you want to shove one of these cupcakes into one of your eyes

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"You look like you want to shove one of these cupcakes into one of your eyes." I say as I try to get Aiden and Kyle to stop glaring at each other.

They've been at this since this freaking holiday winter fest started. Are they ever going to get tired?

Aiden look from Stephanie's table to mine. "How were you friends with her?" Aiden asks me, completely ignoring my comment.

"Because we shared similar interests." I say which causes Aiden to look at me in a "be for real" look, which causes me to sigh. "And because Elizabeth introduced us to each other."

"Great, thanks for the honesty." He squeezes his fists at his sides. "So, I have to thank Mrs. Jessica Rabbit look alike over there. Got it."

I quickly look over across the courtyard at Lilly who's currently hugging an unfamiliar guy.

I then look back at Stephanie's table and see Lucas who seems to have his undivided attention to her.

Why did he look so pissed? Didn't he break up with her?

Wasn't he mad at her for being in a arranged marriage and not telling her? As if she told her dad, "Yeah dad, I want to marry a guy older than me. Especially right after high school. Even though I have my whole life ahead of me." Yeah, that doesn't even sound like her.

Lucas and Elizabeth's have seriously never made any fucking sense to me whatsoever.

I divert my attention back to my friends. "We only need a half more of these sweet treats to sell. Come on guys, I want to go sleep."

I felt drained and seriously just wanted to sleep. I felt drained, both mentally and physically.

"Or- or. Hear me out" Aiden rolls up his sleeves. "I can beat the shit out of Kyle and Justin. Then that will lead this shit to be shut down in a second." He says which makes me mentally face palm.

I'm pretty sure if Aiden had the chance to fight his way out of everything, he probably would jump at the chance.

"Violence isn't the answer toothless and we're doing this as a fundraiser we can't get it shut down." I state as I get the money Kol is holding out for me.

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