⬍ 36 - VIOLET

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"Sergio cooked for us again?" I ask as I take off my belt

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"Sergio cooked for us again?" I ask as I take off my belt.

"Yeah." Blaise says as he puts the car in park. "You seem a little too happy about that for my liking." He says as he turns to me. "Just so we can both be clear and aware. We're keeping the cap of this relationship at four guys correct, Ms. Kaine?"

I know Blaise is serious when he calls me Ms. Kaine. Sometimes it makes me mad but this time I can see right through him. He actually thinks I like Sergio or something.

I feel my cheeks heat up. "I just like how he cooks. I didn't mean-" I trail off. "I can barely manage the four of you. I don't think-" My voice cracks and I feel my face heat up more by the way he's looking at me. "What?"

"Nothing." He motions outside. "Come on, let's get out of the car. We're late as it is."

"Late for w-" I shut up the second my car door opens.

The suns light is beaming over us perfectly and the view is amazing. It can't even be described in words.

"The sunset makes you look even more perfect, little star." Hunter says as he extends his hand to me. "The sun makes you glow."

"You and the others are so cheesy." I say, trying to take off some tension of myself.

"When it comes to you, we'd say anything to make you smile or laugh." He says as he closes the door once I get out.

I go to turn around to meet my other boyfriends but jump when I notice Micah standing a few feet away from me instead. "Oh, hi." I say hesitantly.

The last time I tried talking to me he blankly ignored me like if I was just a blank wall in Sergio's restaurant.  Therefore, I don't know how to act towards him right now.

"Hi." He looks behind me then back at me. "I wanted to apologize for my behavior when I first met you. I'd also like to start off new." He gives me a light smile. "Hello Violet, my name is Micah. Nice to meet you."

"Oh, you don't have to apologize to me." I return the smile and extend out my hand to him. "It's nice to meet you too Micah."

He looks down at my hand then back up at me. "I'd shake your hand but-" He looks behind me again then back at me. "I'm a big time germaphobe." He instantly shakes his head. "Not that your-"

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