⬍ 19 - GARRETT

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We had a plan. Yet said plan has been ruined so many fucking times.

Like come on. I would've understood if this plan would've failed once or twice. But this plan has failed for over a month and it's getting ridiculous. Extremely ridiculous.

Like, at this point nothing ever goes right for us. If it isn't one thing going wrong, it's another. Every single fucking time.

"I'm cold." Violet says as she follows me into the house.

"Then you should've listened to me, and you shouldn't have worn that." Hunter says as him and the others walk in and close the door behind themselves.

I turn around to motion Hunter to shut up, but Violet's way quicker than me.

"Yeah, I didn't listen to you. Get over it." She motions to her clothes then does a little small dance. "But I looked good, didn't I." She shrugs. "I mean, multiple guys there thought so. So, it must've been true."

I want nothing more than to grab her, throw her over my shoulder and spank her. Then take her upstairs, toss her onto my bed and remind her that she belongs to us.

Her words cause Blaise to shake his head. "And then you complain when we leave marks all over you."

She narrows her eyes on him. "I complain because you guys leave dark and overexaggerated marks in places where it's hard to cover them." She huffs. "Do you know how much concealer and color corrector I use each time? And do you know how much they both cost?"

"Then stop trying to cover them. Your problem would be solved in less steps if you'd just do that." I say which causes her to immediately turn to me.

She narrows her eyes on me and then rolls them at me. "You're unbelievable. All of you." She then crosses her arms over her chest. "I no longer want to do this." She motions to all four of us. "I'm going home. Thank you very much for today or whatever."

Her attituded makes me want to say "fuck this plan" and take her upstairs.

Maybe it's for her attitude or maybe it's because I just want to see her in my bed again for once. Maybe it's both.

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