⬍ 33 - VIOLET

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"On the scale of cuddles and blankets to just cuddles

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"On the scale of cuddles and blankets to just cuddles." Ethan looks over at Aiden. "What's the weather going to be like for the rest of the day?"

"Cuddles only." Aiden says as he gets off of his phone.

"Oh, then that's not that bad." Ethan says as he grabs a spoonful of peanut butter. "I still hate how cold it is though." Ethan says with a frown.

"I know pchelka." Aiden instantly pulls him into a hug and kisses his forehead. "I know."

"You guys are making me want the hours to go by faster and it's not helping." I say with a frustrated sigh.

"Aye, don't blame us because you finally decided that you're ready to talk to your men." Aiden rolls his eyes. "That's entirely on you."

"This is why I prefer talking to your man and not you." I say as I roll my eyes.

"I agree with him though, V." Ethan says softly.

"Ughhhh, jeez." I cross my arms over my chest. "I didn't know me needing time was going to create this much love towards me."

"We understand that you needed time." Kol says with a nod. "But nearly two months?" Kol trails off. "I didn't even make Christian last that long." He shakes his head. "You basically have all four of them leashed to you. This could've been wrapped up ages ago."

"That's not true." I shake my head. "And my brother deserved for you to make him grovel more. Yet you didn't make him."

"That's because I have needs V." Kol says as he shakes his head. "I seriously give you props for lasting so long before pouncing on one of them."

"It's called self-restraint." I state sarcastically.

"No, it's called you haven't fucked any of them yet." Aiden deadpans. "And that needs to be fixed soon because they are assholes when you don't give them anything and you're moody too."

"None of that is true." I state as I roll my eyes.

"Three math pop quizzes. Three, in the span of two weeks." Aiden exclaims as he puts two fingers up. "Plus, that's just for math alone, don't get me started on English." Aiden says as he puts his hands back in the pockets of his jeans and shakes his head. "You better fix everything today or I'm about ready to fucking drop out."

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