⬍ 24 - BLAISE

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Wake up, make some homemade coffee, drive to work, teach my students, have lunch, teach my students some more, go to the GYM, go home, eat dinner, sleep and then repeat

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Wake up, make some homemade coffee, drive to work, teach my students, have lunch, teach my students some more, go to the GYM, go home, eat dinner, sleep and then repeat.

At this point I feel like if I'm forcing my body to put up with the shit that's going through my head. Like my random urges to double up my work out routine to the point where my body entirely feels like if it wants to shut down. I've done it more than once and it has seemed to be the only thing that has keep my mind from wondering and asking myself for the millionth time if Violet is ever going to fucking forgive us.

Who am I kidding? I need to stop running around the bush and say it how it is. She's mainly mad at me and it's going to be a fucking miracle if she forgives me and doesn't tell me to fuck off.

I feel like if deep down my mind and body knows the shit state that I am in.

"Are you going to listen to me, or do you want me to do this on my own?" My brother asks me which causes me to sigh.

"Yeah, I'm listening." I say completely bored.

Do I have a fucking choice? I can't pick up my shit and leave. No matter how much I want to.

This right here is all that I have left to do with the very little shares of our family company that I have left.

"Then help me by telling me what I should bring forward to my first board meeting." He says as he snatches the documents from my hand.

"I was reading that." I say and finally look at him.

"Oh, hello there, I thought you forgot about mom's rule about having basic manors and look at some when speaking to them." He says which causes me to chuckle.

"You were always a momma's boy. It's unbelievable, even at your grown ass age." I state as I snatch the documents back from him.

"Yeah? Maybe if you were a momma's boy too then people would like you more." He bites back at me.

I nod. "Yeah, I suppose it would."

Unfortunately, that was never an option for me. But yeah, at least he had that option.

"Is there even a remotely soft spot for anyone within your body?" He asks me which causes me to freeze.

I try to quickly collect myself but it's obvious he saw me freeze.

"Oh shit." He instantly turns surprised. "Why didn't I connect the damn dots sooner." He points an accusing finger at me. "That's why you did everything possible to find shady shit about Amanda and her family! That's why you basically "convinced" dad to call off the wedding." He looks away from me for a split second then looks back at me. "You wanted out of that marriage and basically begged dad to get you out of it since you already have someone!"

"You're assuming." I say as I try to act cool. "I've heard that doing that shit can get you killed on some occasions."

He nods. "Yup, you definitely found someone." He laughs. "You don't make passive aggressive threats for no reason." He taps on the table twice. "Tell me about her."

Yeah, absolutely not. Not in this lifetime or the next.

I can name a million reasons why I won't tell him shit. Like for starters, he's two years older than Violet. I know he'd do something stupid as try to fuck up my relationship with her and the others just to have her for himself.

Me and the others are too attached to Violet for anything to get fucked up more than it currently just is. I don't have the patience, nor do I want to lose my sanity more than I already have.

I shake my head. "I don't have anyone and even if I did, I wouldn't tell you anything. You have got to learn how to mind your own business."

"Alright, I won't pry." He nods. "Okay, but does she at least allow you to f-"

I instantly cut him off before I have the urge to strangle the life out of him.

"We're done here." I say as I get up.

"Okay, okay fine. I was just fucking with you." He quickly turns serious. "I understood why you didn't treat Nichole the best." He pauses. "But if you truly like this girl, then don't be like how dad was to mom."

I get taken back by his words. "Why the fuck would I?" I state, as I can't help but to feel upset by his comment.

My dad was a complete piece of shit. Sure, he was married to my mom but that didn't stop him from bringing other women home while me, my brother and mother were home. He wouldn't even think twice about saying so bluntly that he had several mistresses.

"Because you're just fucking like him!" He barks out at me. "No joke or shit. I'm being one hundred percent honest with you." He motions to me. "You look like him, you're a major dick like him and you can't even make one fucking joke without seeming like." He starts making quotations with his hands. "it hurts you."

"That's not fucking true. "I scoff. "So, relax."

I try my best to remain as calm as possible. Especially since

"No." He shakes his head. "I mean, God bless the poor fucking woman you are with." His tone gets louder. "Like fuck, do you have to pay her to be with you." His words are my last straw of patience.

His words make me feel an intense surge of anger. "You know nothing about me!" I bark out to him then instantly compose myself again.

I don't lash out. I especially won't last out on stupid shit. Especially things that have to deal with Noah.

"Because you don't make the effort to-" I instantly cut him off.

"Oh, would you shut your damn mouth." I burst out as I slam my hand on the table. "I grew up and became the way I am so you could live a solid childhood." I pause for a second. "I deayself up before I could disclose more to him.

"I-" His voice fades.

"Save it." I quickly collect my things. "Enjoy college, party, drink till your hearts content since you're now legal and focus on your damn classes." I look over my things once more before getting ready to leave. "Stay out of my shit Noah and get a life. I fucking mean it."

Idon't spare a minute more. I don't even tell my dad or uncle's goodbye. I justleave the building and head straight home.

 I justleave the building and head straight home

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