⬍ 23 - HUNTER

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I stare blankly at Violet standing right on my porch and can't help but to blink a few times

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I stare blankly at Violet standing right on my porch and can't help but to blink a few times. Am I dreaming?

If I'm dreaming, then this is a shit joke. That also means that I need to manage to sleep more. The lack of sleep I've had for the last eleven days isn't working well for me.

"So, can I come in or do you want to play a staring game?" She asks me which a soft laugh which causes me to instantly step aside and give her some room to enter our house.

Shit, I did it again. I said our like if she's still mine. Fuck.

"Shouldn't you be in the schools after school holiday winter fest?" I ask her which causes her to shake her head.

"I was there, but me and my friends finished up early." She takes off her coat and puts it on the coat rack.

She freezes as she notices me watching her which causes me to quickly look away.

"Would you like some hot chocolate?" I ask her as I run a hand through my hair.

I felt so fucking weird with her here. Not because I didn't want her here but because she's been away from me for so long that this feels like a dream.

"Yes, thank you." She begins to take off her shoes and I quickly walk to the kitchen.

What the fuck was wrong with me? Couldn't I just keep my shit together for once?

This whole replay of me like if I'm a high school teen boy with a crush is becoming old. Why am I like this?

"Which specific pastry do you like to drink hot chocolate with?" She says out of nowhere which causes me to accidently burn myself on the small pot. "Oh my-" She instantly says as she rushes to me.

"I'm fine little-" I quickly cut myself off to not upset her. "Violet, I'm fine. It wasn't even that hot."

I don't know who the fuck I was trying to convince, me or her because in all honesty that shit was hot. It fucking tingles and burns.

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