⬍ 10 - VIOLET

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"Alright, it's my time to shine." Aiden comes up from behind Ethan and messes up my hair. "You ready to see me win this?" He asks as he takes off the small, thick, black and white checkered ribbon from my hair.

"I'm the flag girl, I'm not supposed to have a favorite. Remember?" I tease Aiden which causes him to do a double take.

"Don't start with me right now pink princess." He says as he glares at me.

"Okay toothless." I roll my eyes. "Go get your ass behind the wheel and go show everyone your ride."

Ethan laughs and tosses Aiden a pair of keys. "It's all fun n' games for you till he takes it out on me." Ethan whines and Aiden laughs.

"Don't pretend you don't like it." Aiden says then proceeds to whisper something in his ear.

I try my best not to listen but I can't help my face from heating up when I hear the word paddle come out from Aiden's mouth.

Jeez, they really do need a room. Like now.

"Okay love birds. Not everyone is into watching others sexual encounters. Especially minors. So into the car you both go." I say sarcastically as I look behind me.

Kol is against his truck talking to the annoying pretty boy that has tried flirting with me the last three times I've been to one of these car races.

Don't get me wrong he's attractive in his own ways but man can he not understand the freaking word no.

I rejected him when he tried asking if I wanted to go with him to the movies. Yet he continued to ask me till Kol had to step in. I rejected him when he asked me if I was available last weekend so  we could go get Ice Cream before last weeks race. Then just a few minutes ago he asked me if I wanted to go out with him this weekends car show a few towns over.

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