⬍ 30 - VIOLET

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"So where are we going?" I ask as I put on my seatbelt and then mute my phone which was lighting up every five seconds with a lot of messages from different people

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"So where are we going?" I ask as I put on my seatbelt and then mute my phone which was lighting up every five seconds with a lot of messages from different people.

"The senior center in our local park." Stephanie says as she puts on her own seatbelt.

"It's bingo day!" Elizabeth says as she pulls out of her parking space.

"Bingo day?" I look at Elizabeth then Stephanie. "That's actually a thing in our town?"

Stephanie turns on the music and a Taylor Swift song begins to blast through the radio.

"Yes!" Stephanie laughs. "The elderly people there are the sweetest!" She then presses a button on Elizabeth's car and the roof of the car begins to disappear. "But man can they get competitive." She laughs.

"Girl, remember when Aunty Maxine threw her bingo paint dabber at Uncle Tristian." Elizabeth says as she laughs.

All of a sudden, the car begins to speed up and I instantly grab onto the seat. "Oh my god, slow down."

The imagines of when I stupidly got into Ezra's car flash in my mind like whiplash. I was stupid enough to get into his car and now the feeling of going fast doesn't sit right in my stomach.

"Girl, you're afraid to go fast?" She looks at me through her rear-view minor and shakes her head.

"No." I shake my head as Elizabeth begins too slowly slow down. "I just don't like it." I say with a forced laugh.

"Okay, if you say so." All of a sudden, the park comes into view and Elizabeth is quick to pull into the parking lot.

"Alright, let's go girly!" Elizabeth says as she closes the roof of her car.

"Well, today was fun." I watch as Elizabeth reapplies her deep dark red lipstick. It almost looks like if she's applying blood on her lips.

"See, I told you it would be!" Elizabeth says as we get into her car.

"But you were right. They were competitive." I laugh as I continue to dry off the purple bingo paint from my hair.

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