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The Roman held the Pagan for dear life; his breathing was becoming shallow, his skin pale. He was losing too much blood from a wound in his leg. The Pagan was holding the Roman just as strong; she didn't want to lose him. She'd lost too much in her life, and she didn't want to lose her only love.

A golden metal eagle figure laid on the earth beside them.

"I've failed," the Roman said breathlessly. "I will never return the Eagle to Rome."

The Pagan held the Roman's face in her shaking hands. "You have not failed. You are the only person to serve Rome the honor of returning something they believed was lost. If it was not for you, it would never have been found."

The barking of dogs sounded in the distance; the enemy would be upon them soon. They were the painted seal people of the north. They'd stolen the Eagle from Romans years ago.

The Pagan smiled. "You are a hero."

The Roman shook his head. "I am but only a wounded man."

"That is the same thing." She took his hands in hers. "I will fight by your side. We will take the Eagle back. For Rome."

"You will fight for Rome? After all it has done to your people?" His voice sounded sad; he knew the history. Romans killed and destroyed everything that was not of Rome. Pagans and druids were abolished and burned, and those who survived were slaves of the most brutal cost. It was how he'd met her: she was a slave at a base he was newly in charge of.

"I will fight for you."

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