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They stood outside looking at each other for a while. Yuzuru had dropped the question that had been haunting him for the past 2 years.

"Why didn't you come to the gala? You promised..."

She looked at him with a surprised look, that's what's bothering him?

"Is that really why you're mad at me?"

"I'm not mad, Maya and Alex told me you were retiring, everyone seemed to know. Somehow I felt like I didn't mean anything"

"Yuzu, we had met 2 days prior, and talked for less than 5 minutes. I don't usually start my conversations with retirement announcements"

"Ah, yeah, I just thought..."

"Listen, I know... I said I would be there, and you left an impression on me too, but I didn't know you enough for that talk"

"I was an idiot...baka"
She smiled at him, he was still the same dork.

"Well, looks like we will have time to catch up and talk all about it now. I'm glad you took my invitation, even if a bit too literally"

"Invitation? Hum? Ohhhh"

"You forgot..."

"No, no. I was thinking about other things"

"You were thinking how you could hate me a bit more"

"Joan... Stop! You're messing with me" he was pouting slightly, a reaction that seemed quite often when he didn't get what he wanted.

"I am, and your reactions are quite funny"

"Will you tell me now? Why?"

"It's late Yuzu, I'm really tired"


"It's a long story"

"Good thing I only have practice in the afternoon"

"You... Have you thought that maybe I have things to do tomorrow morning?"

"Do you?"

"No... Only my uni application, but that can be done in the afternoon"

"So we can talk..."

"Here?" The cold night breeze was hitting and she started shaking a bit.

"You're cold" he said with a sweet smile.

"I'm fine if you are"

"Come on, we can talk in my place" Yuzuru said to her, already heading to the building in front.

"You came alone to Toronto?" She started rushing after him.

"No, my mom came too"

"Of course. Mommy's boy"

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?"

He stopped suddenly and turned around, the movement was very unexpected to Joan, who barely noticed the still body in front of her. She crashed into his hard chest but felt strong hands grabbing her immediately, making sure she wouldn't fall.

What happened next was unexpected, he enveloped her in a strong hug, her head on his chest, he smelled like fresh mint, maybe from his shampoo, and she was close enough to feel his fast heartbeat.

"You're okay?" He finally asked after a few minutes without moving.

"Yeah, thanks for saving me" she said with a giggle, trying to get out of his embrace, but he held her tight.

"Always... You know, it may seem stupid cause, like you said, we barely know each other, but I missed you"

"I thought about you a lot actually, mostly wondering why you came to me that day, everyone says it's very unusual behavior."

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