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Joan woke up the morning after with Yuzuru's eyes watching her in silence with a neutral expression.

"Were you watching me sleep?"


"That's creepy"

"I was going to try and be romantic this morning, but you always have to be smart" Yuzuru told her with a smirk, immediately followed by his hands tickling her sides, making both laugh like school kids.

A knock on the door brought them back to reality. Yuzuru got out of bed with a groan, pulling some sweatpants and a t-shirt on his body before answering the door. Joan watched him disappear from her embrace and laughed at the pout on his face, enjoying the view of his naked body with a sly smile.

At the door was Yumi, Joan couldn't tell much of their conversation, all of it a bunch of Japanese rambles, but it was clear that Yuzu wasn't very excited about it. He closed the door and looked at the questioning look of the girl's expression.

"Gala rehearsal... I almost forgot about it" Yuzuru answered.

"When is it?"

Yuzuru took his phone and looked at the time.

"In ten minutes..." he said with eyes widened, realizing he might show up late. Something he hated.

"Do you mind if I stay here? I'm so tired..."

"No... Rest"  Yuzuru kissed the top of her head and left the room.


It was only a few hours later when Joan woke up with the door opening, her eyes blinking while her body awakened.

"Good morning sleepyhead, you're still in bed?" A softly accented voice asked while he sat by her side, caressing her cheek with a fond look.

"Looks like it. What time is it?"

"1 pm"

"Oh? I really slept a lot huh?"

"You were tired, you looked like you needed the rest"

"Felt really good"

"Hum..." Yuzuru moved his hand and caressed her body slowly.

A small moan erupted from Joan, that made her blush immediately.



"Aren't you tired? How was the practice?"

"It was fine, I think you're going to like it. And no, not tired"

"What are you skating to?"


"Oh come on..."

"You will like it, that's all I'm saying"

"I have my ways to get it out of you" She smirked and caressed his chest with her hands, moving down slowly.

"No no" he held her hands, making the girl pout.

"Not fair"

"Shhhh" he silenced her with a soft kiss.

"Hum... Fine, have you at least looked at your email? The competition is over, I think it's time you see what I sent you"

Yuzuru's eyes widened, realizing he had totally forgotten about the mysterious email.
He got up to get his laptop and settled by Joan's side, cuddling her a bit, and opened the item on his lap, quickly accessing his email and finding what he was looking for.

"It's a video? Wait? Is this the choreo you promised me?" He asked with a questioning look.

"Yes... Do you have to watch while I'm here? I'm nervous you won't like it"

"Shut up silly"

He opened the file and hit play, being immediately faced with Joan's figure on the ice, bringing a smile to his face.
"Even if I hate it, and I know I won't, at least I can watch you skate"
He said, instantly being pinched by the girl at his side.

"You shut up" she told him making him laugh.

The girl on the video was in the middle of the ice, getting into an introduction pose that he instantly loved, the Japanese music started playing and he widened his eyes, feeling instantly immersed in the choreography and the way it fit the music. Joan did double and triple jumps in the video, showing where he could place his own quads and triples. One thing the Japanese skater noted immediately was that this was a hard one, complex steps and transitions filled the whole thing, a challenge for his stamina for sure.

Joan watched his small reactions at every step and relaxed as soon as she saw his immersed face, he was loving it.

"Wow, I have never seen anything like it" that's all Yuzuru managed to say as the video finished playing.

"You might need to adjust it a bit with Shae but I would love to watch you skate to it sometime"

"I need to try it out, but I want this as my free next season"

"Yuzu, you don't have to"

"I want to, this is incredible Jo. Thank you!"

Yuzuru looked ecstatic and excited and the smile on his face brought a smile to hers.

"I'm glad you like it. This program was my escape root when I came back and I felt so good on the ice doing something for you..."

The Japanese didn't allow Joan to finish, capturing her lips while closing his laptop and getting on top of her.

"Enough talking, I'll be making love to you now"

"Hum... Good idea"

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