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Truth be told, the next few weeks were the hardest.

Their conversations had escalated from simple casual talks to a teasing tone with anticipation.

It started fairly innocent, with just the implications of that quarantine week alone. But soon enough, as the time passed they started growing bolder.

Sendai's rink opened that month and Yuzuru made sure she knew. The first pictures he sent were fairly normal. Pooh-san in his place at the rink side, a picture of his new blade guards, his boots, the fresh smooth ice of the Sendai rink...

Then the selfies started. One day it was with Pooh before starting practice, then a new jacket he got recently. Soon enough Yuzuru decided he wanted to show her an entire closet of some new practice clothes he got from Under Armour. They all looked pretty much the same, tight and black.

All too sinful for her eyes, especially when she was at work and tried to focus on her best, it was her last month there after all.

One particular picture almost made her drop coffee all over her white coat.
Yuzuru after practice, all sweaty, with those sinful simple clothes glued tight to his body. One of his hands lifted the short-sleeved shirt enough to see a glimpse of the defined torso she loved so much as he looked straight at the camera. The menace that was her boyfriend sent that with a small text:

'Finished for today. Missing you 💙'

It was clear he had been doing more muscle training, his shoulders were clearly broader, his biceps defined and his thighs... The journey to the Quad Axel was one Joan didn't approve of, but it had a clear effect on the way he looked, and she wasn't mad about that one aspect.

The teasing had been one-sided until now, the Japanese knew what he was doing and didn't hide it one bit. Joan wanted to tease him too, but figuring out a way to do it subtly wasn't easy.

One of her trips to the gym gave her an idea. Standing in front of the mirror after her weight-lifting session, she took her shirt and stood in front of it in only her sports bra and leggings. Joan turned around, finding a nice view of her curves, and took the picture slightly biting her lip, sending it before she regretted with the text: 'Done for today. Missing you'

Neither of them replied to the teasing attempts, just carrying on with the day.
Pretending the photos were completely normal and innocent.

After her last shift at the hospital, 16 hours of pure torture, Joan lay in bed sleepless looking at the bags in front of her. She had emptied everything in the apartment 2 days before, the only things left were a few clothes she would need and the bed sheets.

A notification appeared on her phone.

'Hey, not sure if you're already asleep but wanted to wish you goodnight. Can't wait to see you.' said the text that was followed by another selfie by Yuzuru who had apparently just woken up. Joan assumed the picture was supposed to be fairly innocent, he was shirtless but covered from the waist down by the thin sheets. The one problem was that those very same sheets didn't hide one evident bulge in his boxers.

Excitement ran through her limbs immediately, her body had been sex-starved for way too long. She could wait, two more days and they would be together, but the thought that maybe he did that on purpose laid on her head, making her too alert to sleep.

'I can definitely see that' was her silly response.

Joan saw him type immediately, almost as if he was waiting for a reply.

'You're awake?'

'No, I'm texting you in my sleep'
Almost immediately there was a video call request, she expected that but refused.
'I'm not going to have virtual sex with you' she texted in reply.

'Could be fun 😏.'

'I would rather make you wait'

'Not fair'

'Not fair? Really Hanyu? You're the one that had been driving me crazy'

'Tell me more about it'

'Those photos...'

Another call request, this time just voice, that one she accepted.

"So I can't see you, is that it?" Was all he said with a deep voice when she answered.

"Not in video"

"What is that supposed to mean?" he asked as a photo showed up on his phone.
Her body lay on the bed on just underwear, he couldn't see her full face but could see part of her mouth, biting her lip teasingly. His gaze was immediately focused on a small patch of ink on her thigh, the delicate design looked like a wing. "Fuck" was all he said after processing the information, earning a laugh on the other side.

"That's all you're getting" she said, imagining his face. "Don't pout"

"How do you..."

"I just do"

"You have a tattoo?" He asked, voice rough.


"You're driving me crazy"

"Serves you right. I'm going to sleep, have a good day Zu"

"You're really doing this? It hurts Jo"

"Just imagine how I was every single time at work when you decided to be a tease."

"You loved it... But okay, rest, my princess. Have a good night and don't forget to think of me."


"I love you"

"I love you too."

Sleep didn't come easy after all that teasing. Joan gave up soon after, she was horny and the thought that maybe Yuzu was fixing his problem on the other side wasn't helping at all. In the end, she decided on a cold shower before finally falling asleep.

Wings of Change | Yuzuru HanyuWhere stories live. Discover now