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The year 2020 was indeed chaotic.

Everything was still closed and health workers kept the hard work and managed to fight with less means than necessary more often than not.

Things seemed to be slightly more calm once summer started. With fewer cases being detected.

Thankfully in Joan's hospital things had been calmer since they started hiring more people and the workload was way more balanced.

Everyone was still working more hours than expected, but it was fairly under control.

It was during one of her long shifts that a phone call from a Japanese number surprised her, for a few moments she thought it could be Yuzuru, but she didn't recognize the number at all.
She took a small brake and answered the call.

"Hello, am I speaking with Dr. Joan Santos?"

"Hello, yes, this is she. Who is this?"

"I'm Kenji Shimada from the University of Tohoku. I will be very direct, Dr. Santos.
I was informed you were recently interested in a PhD program in Japan by one of my colleagues from Kyoto. You did apply there, correct?"

"Yes, but I was refused because of the language barrier"

"That's why Tohoku is entering the picture. Of course, you would still need to learn basic Japanese."

"I really have no idea what you're trying to tell me"

"We realize this is very confusing, especially with the current pandemic situation, but we would like to offer you the possibility of doing a phD with us, with full financial support for the research project. This would be a joint program with us and Kyoto University."

"A joint program between colleges?"

"Yes, you see, your name has been quite echoed in the medical world. Japan is currently very invested in medical development and research. We are two of the top Medical Universities in the country, so it makes a lot of sense for us to have one of the biggest medical prodigies working with us."

"That is very kind of you, I have to admit I am very surprised by this sudden offer"

"Of course, and we will obviously leave you some time to consider. I would like to give you a description of how things would go in case you say yes, if you don't mind?"

"Go ahead, I need to know before making a decision, as you probably know"

"Yes yes... Well, would you like to maintain the focus on Sports Medicine like you mentioned to Kyoto?"

"I would, yes."

"Very well. This is a new program we are building from scratch with some of the best specialists in the world. You may be familiar with Christopher Maeda or Nobuhiko Sumiyoshi. They are going to be working with us. This program will be taught and fulfilled mostly in Tohoku, but you might need to attend some sessions in Kyoto. We won't post any restrictions on the thesis or main theme of research as long as the tutors agree. There is also the possibility of you maintaining your neurosurgery specialty training here by working in the University hospital if you're interested. Any other details you might want to know, feel free to ask, I will send you an email with all this information anyway"

"When would we start? The borders are closed, right?"

"In a month, we need an answer by tomorrow precisely because of that. We can handle all the paperwork to get you in the country as long as you're fully tested, of course. There is also the possibility of a 7-day quarantine, I'm sure you understand"

"This is all very fast"

"I'm aware, it is not Japanese custom to do things so rushed, but we got the funding permission this week and want to start as soon as possible, especially considering the current situation. We're afraid someone will regret the decision if we don't act fast."

"I will need a few hours to consider and organize my life. How should I give an answer?"

"You can either email me or give me a call, I only ask you to please consider timezones in case you decide to call."

"Yes, of course. I will try and give an answer as soon as possible."

"We appreciate that, and I will await your decision then. It would be an honor to have you."

"Thank you"

The call disconnected and Joan stood next to a wall where she allowed her body to rest. Well, this is it, the chance to go to Japan. A million thoughts ran through her head, some good but also a few concerns. If she were to do this, it would be a very risky move that could cost her the career she has been building for the past years. At the same time, this allowed her to be close to Yuzuru, and who knows, maybe have the life they have spoken about so many times. Still, the concerns of the past were there, they had tried once and it didn't work out. If something like that happened, she wouldn't be able to run away again after compromising with the program.

Well, in the end, the hopes that they were grown up enough and with the prospect of working in the area she dreamt about gave the final answer. Joan wrote the email with care, making sure she sounded polite enough with articulate words.

A list was made in her head:
- Work on Japanese
- Quit current Job
- Find somewhere to stay
- Book tickets and tests

Oh... And the most important thing she couldn't forget:
- Give Yuzuru a small heart attack

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