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Joan woke up with a body entangled in hers, holding her close into the safety of his embrace. Opening her eyes she saw a peaceful face still fast asleep, he was beautiful and so close she couldn't resist capturing his lips in a kiss.

A soft groan erupted from Yuzuru, who still had his eyes closed but the way he clenched her waist made it known he was awake. She kissed him again and moved to his neck, where she found a particularly sensitive spot that made the Japanese moan instantly.

"Morning" he said in a raspy voice that made her insides turn.


"Hum, this is a nice way to wake up" he opened his eyes and kissed her lips passionately.

They broke the kiss a bit breathlessly and stayed in silence for a while, little touches exchanged and silly smiles on their faces.

"What time is it?"

"Don't know, don't care"

"You have practice in the afternoon"

"I know"

Joan turned sides to reach for her phone and Yuzu pouted.

"Stop that"


"Pouting, I just need to reply to my mom before she starts panicking"

"You seem closer to your parents"

"Yeah, I think they were scared...after Afghanistan"

"Will you ever tell me what happened there?"

"I already did"

"I mean the full story...You told me part of it... I have a feeling you toned it down so I wouldn't worry"

"Some things are not meant to be told. I know it's not the same, but kinda like you and the earthquake. Reliving is too painful.
When I was held captive, part of me just wanted to end it all... Being hungry, in pain, and afraid is scary. "

"I would think like that too after the disaster. Mom made me see a bunch of specialists, psychs, but none of them understood the burden of being one of the survivors."

"Yes, that's it. Thank you" he looked at her with a questioning look.

"What for?"

"Not giving up... being here for me, for the world... And for opening up"

A kiss was placed on her forehead " You're the best thing that has happened to me in a while"

"Better than the Olympic gold?"

"ahm...Almost" he answered laughing. She hit his chest with her fist, smiling at his antics.

A ding on her phone made her notice a text from her mom. 'Send my good luck to Yuzuru, I'll be cheering for him'

Behind her, Yuzuru laughed after reading the text "Is that your mom?"


"You told her about me?" he had a strange glint of hope on his face, he looked happy with the recent knowledge.

"I had to explain why I wanted to come to Japan. And she's quite a fan of yours too. Was really happy when I told her I was coming here"

"First impressions are important, I'm glad..."

"One of those cute smiles of yours would probably have her conquered. It's my dad you should worry about."

"Army man"

"yes" she said laughing

"I'll figure it out. When the motivation is there..."

"It doesn't matter anyway, all I care about is what I feel about you. Everyone else can think whatever they want."

"I do want him to approve whenever I ask him to marry you"

"Thinking very ahead, are we?"

"Just confident" he told her with a smirk.

A rumble in his belly made them laugh aware it was almost lunchtime, sleeping in had been very nice for their tired bodies, but it also meant they were now hungry.
Joan started to shift, ready to get up when he stopped her.

"Can't we just order in? And stay in bed?"

"And leave your mom alone? No. I'm gonna shower, get dressed lazy bun"

"Do you want company?" He asked with a sly grin

"Maybe after your free, we can think about it" she answered with a smirk.


"Depends on how you do... Get dressed Yuzu"

After lunch with Yumi, Yuzuru had the official practice for the free program and dragged Joan with him. 

On the sidelines she watched his practice routine with a grin, admiring the tight black under armour on his body, trying to avoid interactions with the Japanese while cameras were around. Yuzuru was having none of that, sending her flirty smiles every once in a while that she knew someone probably captured. He liked having her eyes on him and would try any possible opportunity to show a bit of skin to the observing eyes. 

Seeing him practice made her want to step back on the ice and relieve the nights at the TCC, but she knew that it would be impossible to skate there without making a big fuss. Joan would have to wait till they were in Sendai.

Yuzuru wanted to show Joan around Tokyo after the practice but knew he would never be able to do that in peace so they ended up settling on staying in the hotel for the rest of the competition. They would sleep entangled, Joan turned out to never look for another place after all, with all the argument around it being a short period of time.

The Free Skate Day came eventually. The Japanese skater had one of those days where everything seemed to go the right way, managing first place again. Joan watched his performance right behind his coaches, she learned she really enjoyed this Phantom of the Opera program. But it was no secret she loved every program of his.

Team Japan managed to get bronze in the end, a medal Joan knew Yuzuru wasn't very happy to receive, but being a team event he knew it didn't depend just on him.

When team Japan entered the ice for the medal ceremony, the music of Phantom of the Opera started playing, making Yuzuru turn back instantly and laugh like a kid.

Medals in hand, Team Japan posed for plenty of photos, and the day seemed to never end with all the media going around. The hidden promise that Joan had made to him lingered in both their heads. Giddy with anticipation, they would look at the other occasionally with a knowing smile.

Only a little bit more.

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