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If there's something no one ever expects is a World Pandemic. When news first broke out that there was a new virus spreading in China most people ignored it.

Joan watched the news of the other side of the world carefully, as a doctor she knew that a virus, and one like this, with so many light symptoms that could be easily mistaken as a flu, could spread like crazy if people weren't careful enough.

Slowly but surely she watched the first news of cases in Europe at the beginning of March without much surprise. It scared her, not because she was a high-risk patient with her autoinflammatory condition, but because she knew this would be dangerous to a lot of people if it started spreading.

The problem with viruses like this is that they are pretty much invisible, even symptomatic people only show it a few days after the damage has been done.

She wasn't the only one worried, Yuzuru voiced his concern more times often than not in their daily conversations. Something like this could be very dangerous to someone predisposed to respiratory problems like him.

Even with all the mocking from a few of her doctor colleagues, Joan didn't enjoy one bit when things started to get bad and everyone was telling her she had been right.

If most public hospitals all over the world were already overloaded with work, nothing could prepare her for the chaos that settled when the spreading of the dreaded virus started bringing more and more sick people to her workplace.

Suddenly, the limitation of hours for health professionals didn't exist. They were working more than 24 hours in a row if there was a need. It implied that surgeons were now doing the most basic care if needed.

Yuzuru had pretty much run away from the mess by leaving Toronto when things started getting bad, he left so fast and in such doubt that most of his valued things stayed there, including some of his favorite earphones and Pooh-san. Japan closed the borders almost immediately to avoid the spread and he preferred to be next to his family in case things really started getting worse.

He looked at all the news from Europe with concern. In the beginning, him and Joan kept the usual contact and she would tell him everything she was feeling. When things started getting worse the only contact they did was a little bit of texting which she later confirmed to be during her small eating breaks.

Yuzu was worried and never felt so helpless. Not only was everything falling apart, but his girlfriend was right in the middle of it, taking care of very sick people daily and risking herself in the process.

Joan also felt helpless whenever she couldn't help someone, she was working almost double the hours because one by one, every single health worker seemed to be catching the virus, despite all the protective equipment. The reality was that one small slip was all that was needed.

The thing is, everyone is human and everyone crumbles. Eventually, it became too much for her.

Passing out in the middle of the ER due to dehydration hadn't been the way she planned on getting a much-needed vacation. They brought her to one of the break rooms and gave her fluids through an IV for a whole hour before sending her home to rest for a few days, forbidding the girl to go to work, knowing it was the only way to keep her away.

For the first time in what felt like months, Yuzuru saw an incoming video call from Joan and worries filled his head immediately. It was nighttime in Japan and he was just doing some jump practice in his room, trying to keep in shape while the rinks were closed. He settled on the bed and answered the call.

"Moshi, Moshi" he said as her face appeared on the screen.

"Hey Zu"

"You're home?" he asked, recognizing the background of her bedroom after so many calls. It was weird because he knew she was even sleeping in the hospital these days.

"Yeah, they told me to come"

"Told you? Joan?" time stopped for a second, Yuzuru thought of all the reasons they would have told her to be home and the one that stood out the most was her having caught the virus. "Did you catch it?" he asked, looking into her face and noticing she was paler than usual, looking sick even.

"No no, did a test today and it's negative."

"But you look a bit sick, are you sure you're okay? Why did they send you home?"

"I might have passed out in the middle of the ER"

"What???" Joan saw the panic settling in his eyes and replied right away.

"Dehydration, that's all."

"Because you forget to take care of yourself, I knew it" he was mad, very mad.

"Are we going to fight? I called to see your face, I've really missed you" Yuzuru softened at that.

"I worry about you, I don't want to fight either" he started "And I really miss you too. Tell me how things have been"

"Chaotic? I don't know Zu, I've never worked so much in my life. I thought I was tired in the past, but these days...One of my friends, one of the residents is in the ICU, connected to a ventilator. This is scary"

"Of course it is, we are all afraid and none of us sees that side. I can only imagine how you're feeling"

"I don't want to talk about it. Any news of the competitions?"

"Everything is canceled, even if they were to do anything I wouldn't go."

"That's for the best. The rink is closed?"

"Hai, can't skate for a while. Feels like I've only been writing my thesis and playing games these days"

"You like being indoors, but you hate not being able to skate"

"You know me too well. Okasan complains that I make too much noise jumping in my room"

Joan started laughing, she could only imagine how crazy Yumi-san must be going with Yuzuru.

"But everyone is healthy?"

"Yes, we are all locked in the house anyways, only go out to get groceries. Your family?

"Apparently everything is okay. My parents are apart too, dad had to stay in the military base when they locked everything"

"That's so bad, I don't even know them but it can't be easy" What he said reminded Joan that she never properly introduced Yuzuru to her parents, in fact, her mom had no idea of them getting back together at all and laughed, making Yuzuru look at her with an eyebrow raised.

"You just reminded me that I didn't tell them about us"

"You didn't?"

"Forgot to mention it with all the chaos. I can't believe all we planned was going down the drain. I was hoping to see you at least during summer, but things aren't looking great"

"I know... it's so frustrating. I get you back again and I can't even touch you"

"We can do this, right?"

"Yes silly, we can. Just make sure you don't disappear on me. I know the patients are important, but I want to be able to see my girlfriend more than once a month if possible" Guilt started settling when she noticed that they hadn't spoken like this in too long.


"Shh, it's okay. Now, you look like you could use a bit of rest. And it's getting late here too"

"Will you stay on the line? Could we leave the phones on the call?"

"Sure Hime, sure"

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