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Tokyo, Japan

Joan landed in Tokyo after a 14-hour flight. The 13-hour difference in time zones was sure to leave her extremely tired but the motivation behind her visit made it all tolerable.

Getting her bags and calling for a taxi, she managed to overcome the language barrier and soon enough was arriving at the arena where the WTT event was being held.

Baggage in hand, she must have looked ridiculous, but managed to leave most of her stuff with the lady at the reception area after showing her pass.

Truth be told, she had no idea where to go, everything seemed like a maze. At the same time, the environment of it all had a familiarity to it that she couldn't quite describe.

She texted Yumi warning her of the arrival and the reply came fast. 'We're at the warm-up area, there are still a few skaters until Yuzu.'

True to her promise, she decided to only see the skater after the short. She didn't want to be a distraction.

Joan settled on the opposite side of the rink entrance, near the ice. A position that allowed her a privileged view of everyone's programs, but also hidden enough so he wouldn't see her just yet.

Skater after skater, the girl watched the short program enthusiastically. She had missed the thrill of the competition.

When the boy that occupied her every thought stepped on the ice, you could hear the roar of the crowd. Things were definitely different from what they used to be, he's a star now. A star in his home country.

She refused to watch this season's programs before seeing them live and as a result, she didn't recognize the costume he was currently wearing. The white-to-blue gradient filled with beautiful crystals made it stand out. The costume had puffy sleeves and a belt that showed his slim waist, he looked very handsome for sure. One thing was clear, Yuzuru looked more mature than what she remembered and ready to take on the challenge he was about to face.

Taking a stance in the middle of the rink, the music that started playing was oddly familiar. The unmistakenly notes of Chopin's Ballade no 1 echoed in the arena, the program itself, even with changes, was clearly based on hers. Maybe some skaters would be outraged, but Joan was honored.

Yuzuru had clearly improved a lot, he was smoother, and the jumps were more technically accurate. The back counter triple Axel that had once been her favorite jump became a signature of his, and seeing it again after so long made the girl smile.

Skating in front of her, he had a bit of a silly fall on the combination that he took with a silly laugh. The Yuzuru she knew wouldn't have laughed at that, he would have been mad with himself, but somehow, this event didn't have as much pressure. Still, he kept going, entering the step sequence, Joan almost wanted to do it herself, it was incredibly fun to skate to this segment.

Yuzuru was incredible, the crowd roared again at their star and pooh bears started flying to the ice. A big smile graced his face when he finished, he looked happy.

Joan didn't want to make a scene and preferred to wait for him backstage. As Yuzuru thanked the crowd, Joan headed to his dressing room, hugging a waiting Yumi.

"I'm so happy to see you Joan, welcome to Japan"

"Thank you, Yumi, for everything. I know I asked too much of you."

"Don't be silly, I care a lot about you dear. I would do it all again... Just don't break his heart... He cares a lot"

"Sorry... I know. I'm not going to waste time making excuses for my own doings"
Joan said with remorse."I already regret them enough"

"You did what was best for your career at the time. Anyways, He's probably going to take a while, but you can wait in his dressing room. It's the safest place for you to see each other. I need to go before he notices my absence" Yumi said, giving her the spare key of the room.

"Thank you so much, I'll wait there"

The boy went through the Kiss and Cry, but he still placed first in the men's short, despite the fall. Tired, he went through the long interviews and media duties before saying goodbye to his team members and heading to the changing room.

Entering the room, he was so blinded by tiredness that he didn't notice he wasn't alone. He quickly started tugging the top of the costume, removing it before a small fake cough made him turn.

Yuzuru's eyes widened when he noticed the other person in the room, he blinked and she was still there.
"I must be dreaming" he said in a hushed tone, almost silent.

But Joan heard him, making her laugh softly. "I have to admit I didn't think we would be doing this with you half-naked" she said with a fond smile on her face

Yuzuru ran to her as fast as he could and wrapped his arms around her, still incredulous that she was really there with him.
"Please tell me you're real"

"I hope so"

"I missed you so so much" he told her. Both of them had tears on their faces, the encounter way more emotional than what Joan had predicted.

"I missed you too Zuzu, so much"

He looked into her eyes and ran his fingers through her cheeks, cleaning her tears. "Don't cry". His fingers were delicate around her face, he traced every small detail with a smile on his face. "Beautiful, so beautiful"

Joan hugged him tighter and placed her head on his naked chest.

"You did great today"

"Did you even see that fall? It was ridiculous"

"It was funny. By the way, thank you for sharing Chopin with the public. I loved seeing it."

"I'm sorry I stole it, It's just that someone never kept her promise"

"You should check your email"

"Uh?" He looked at her questioning, he had a habit of not going to the Internet during competitions so he could keep in the zone.

"Later... Now let me just enjoy this"

"Look at me, hime"

Joan looked up at his expressive eyes, his hand touched her cheek once again and he leaned in.

Before she realized what was happening he captured his lips on hers, making everything else disappear. It didn't take too long for her to get into it and kiss him back passionately. They kissed as if trying to make up for the two lost years.

The back of his knees found the small couch that was placed in the room and he sat down, not breaking the kiss and bringing her down with him.

She was barely aware of the fact she was sitting in his lap until there was a knock on the door and it opened immediately.
A shocked Brian Orser stood at the door with Yumi right behind him, probably trying to stop him.

"Ah, I'm sorry... Don't let me stop you" and he closed the door right after.
Only then did they notice the position they were in, with Yuzuru shirtless and Joan on his lap, things could be easily misunderstood. Red appeared on their cheeks and Joan placed her head on his chest once again, hiding her face in embarrassment.

Yuzuru's soft laugh filled the small room.
"Someone always interrupts us...Are you okay?" He asked while running his hands through her soft hair.

"Yeah... More than okay. You?"

"Yeah. I'm so happy you're here"

Soft caresses were traded between them both, none of them wanting to let go. Yuzuru shivered slightly, the cold air starting to hit his body.

"You should change before you get sick, I'll leave you for a bit"

Joan kissed his cheek and lifted herself from his body. Just as she turned to leave, he grabbed her arm to stop her.


"Just...let me...one more" And he kissed her again " I'll never get tired of this"

She smiled and left the room, giving the skater privacy to change clothes. The silly smile on her face never dropped. Maybe this was the time when life would be a bit better for her. Only time will tell.

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