A stupid little poem for John

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"Sherlock, I'm going to the shop! Would you like anything from there?" asked John on a rainy afternoon.

"No, thank you. But John, the weather is pretty bad, is it really necessary for you to go out?"

"Yes, because someone forgot to bring bread and milk yesterday."

"Sorry I forgot to go shopping while working on that case."

"Yeah, but you've finished it. Oh my, what if you won't get any new cases and you'll be out of excuses to do the shopping?" asked John with a smile.

"If I don't get any new case I'll have free time to, uh, create a case." said Sherlock who couldn't stop the smirk spreading across his face.

If you'd know what I want to do in my free time, you'd be surprised dear Watson.

"I'll be home in approximately 20 minutes."

"Bye John!"

Sherlock was completely lost in his thoughts. After the suicide fiasco, he barely earned back John's trust. He can't lose it again. But if he doesn't get to tell him the thing, he would explode. For 2 years he was denying it, but can't hold it anymore.

Sherlock knew well that John liked poetry, so he thought the best way to tell him was through a perfect poem. It can't be that hard to write a poem, can it?

Yes, it can.

After 36 attempts and 36 ripped papers, Sherlock gave up. The left last poem he had written under a book on his desk and made some tea instead. The weather was still chilly and he wanted to make sure John won't catch a cold.

John returned after an hour, exhausted and slightly angry.

"Idiots, Sherlock, these are pure idiots. I was standing in the queue and a fat lady pushed me aside. When I tried to go back to where I was originally standing, everyone started yelling at me, because they thought I was trying to hurry. And when I tried to explain? They threatened me to throw out of the shop for being aggressive. Can you imagine that?! After I finally got to pay, I saw that I had forgotten to buy flour, so I had to stop at another shop two streets away."

"Flour? I thought you wanted to buy bread and milk."

"That's true, but then I remembered that a couple of days ago you said that you need flour for some experiment."

"Oh, right. Thank you, John, you're very nice."

John slightly blushed and quickly turned to hide his face.

"You're welcome, but next time you do the shopping." he mumbled.

For a few awkward seconds, none of them spoke.

"Before I forget, I made you some tea."

"Thanks, I need that."

"I'll bring it in."

Sherlock went into the kitchen while John sat down to the desk. He noticed a piece of paper under a book. Curiously, he took it and read the handwritten poem:

Roses are red,

Violets are blue,

I am not dead,

And I love you.

Exactly that was the moment Sherlock entered. He saw the paper and John's face and immediately turned red like a tomato.

"I... Umm... I just... I'm re-really s-sorry... This is... Umm... I'm so embarrassed..."

John smiled softly as he went to the stuttering detective and embraced him. Sherlock, after he realized that John Watson was actually hugging him, put his arm slowly around his flatmate.

"Sherlock, you still have a bit to learn about poetry, but this is very sweet and I appreciate the gesture. And most importantly, I love you too."

Sherlock was shocked. With his stupid poem, he finally earned a boyfriend.



"Could you... You know, what couples do in moments like this?"

"How bloody not?" laughed John. He tiptoed and did something he had been waiting for years: kissed the detective.

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