Chapter 5 - A Blood Debt

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"Hey you did great," False admitted reluctantly as she patted Pearl on the back.

False and Pearl walked back to the hub slowly. "Thanks... but I couldn't have done it without - SCOTT! Did you see me!" Pearl ran forward and hugged Scott tightly.

"Pearl, that was epic!" Scott embraced her back. "I told you - I knew you could beat her."

"Oops. sorry Scott I'm kinda sweaty." Pearl chuckled as she released the blue-haired man. "And anyway I couldn't have done it without you."

"Me? I didn't do anything." Scott snickered.

"Okay, that's true. But remember how you told me to think happy thoughts? Well... I think that's why I won." Pearl shrugged as the two fell into step.

"Really?" Scott looked surprised. "What did you think about? Sorry - I mean-"

"Nah, it's fine. I thought about right now! You know, after I won the match. And Grian's pranks, or when we're all joking around in hub! And when we're walking around the arena during the evenings." Pearl laughed self-consciously.

"Anyway, you were awesome." Scott gave Pearl a high-five. Pearl laughed and her eyes darted away just in time to see False's eyebrows raise as she stared pointedly over Pearl's shoulder.

"Oh get over it, False." Pearl leaned over and whispered in False's ears with a smirk.

"Excuse me?" Scott looked confused.

"Nothing important," Pearl snickered and took Scott's hand.

"Joel!" Scott cried suddenly, dropping Pearl's hand and sprinting forward. Pearl and False followed suit. "Are you okay?"

Joel had just stepped into the main hallway from the offshoot leading to the medical wing. A bandage was wrapped around his head. It was crusted thickly with blood and golden liquid. The golden liquid was obviously the residue of the revival Joel had gone through.

The second Joel spotted Scott his grimace of pain twisted into a raw rage. He looked ready to murder, and his hand shot to his still-bloody iron sword which lay on his waist. Pearl instinctively rushed forward to protect Scott if a fight broke out.

"Did you just ask if I was bloody okay!?" Joel cried. "No - of course, I'm not bloody okay! Isn't that obvious, Scott!?" Joel was absolutely enraged.

"Hey, Joel." Pearl pushed herself in front of Scott.

"Pearl, you might wanna get out of here," Joel warned, his eyes flashing dangerously.

"Lay a finger on him and I'll kill you again. I wonder if you can afford a second revive... I guess we'll find out." Pearl's voice was steely.

"I'm warning you - step aside." But Joel began to shift uncomfortably. Pearl raised her chin in triumph. She knew she had the upper hand in this conversation.

Suddenly Joel launched forward, racing at Scott. Pearl was taken by surprise as he dodged around her. A mix of anger and fear flooded Pearl's eyes as she swung around, brandishing her iron sword. However, it turned out Pearl didn't need to raise a finger.

"Stop." False commanded as she stepped in front of Joel, appearing out of seemingly nowhere.

"Step aside, False! I want blood! He owes me blood!" Joel warned as Scott froze, accepting his fate. The blue-haired man bowed his head, telling False to step aside.

"Joel. I wouldn't so much as scratch him if I was you. You heard Pearl." False stood her ground.

"I can take Pearl." Joel spat.

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