Epilogue 2 - Soulbreak: Author's Version

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Soulbreak is kind of difficult to understand, and I think most of it is explained but here's the behind-the-scenes magic guide. Alternative title is My Notes. Starting with Grian's complicated secrets.

Grian is half-watcher. He can morph appearance and other minor skills. This gives him an advantage and more strength. He's hidden it for years (obviously). He reveals his magic saving Pearl on her last life. Takes her in when she's really lonely. Once his magic is revealed he knows Mojang is coming for him. He won't be allowed to win. So he wants to go out his own way. He dies trying to destroy the arena with a blast of his magic. It backfires.

This is referenced quite a few times you might not have caught. In the early chapters, Grian thinks to himself that he has a higher chance of winning than anyone else but still low. This is because of his watcher perks.

Here's another scene: "Not since... they... Grian shuddered, realizing he was broaching on a buried memory and quickly pinched himself. He had buried those memories for a reason..." This is a Watcher memory, he's buried it with his magic for his own sanity.

Another hint I bet most of you missed is in chapters 6 & 7, when Pearl gets much sicker than Grian when they teleport. That's because of Grian ½ watcher state, while Pearl's (a jinxed) human. Pearl gets more sick than anyone else because she always gets the worst lot. It's a side-effect of being jinxed. That was a easy one to miss.

Another unanswered question stems from Chapter 18 -

"Grian froze. He'd known this was coming, but he was still surprised. He'd thought they'd share some level of camaraderie in light of their current situation. After all, Grian and Joel had been stuck together in a similar situation once. Back when Joel was his best friend.'

Grian and Joel escaped from the same world, and there was some kind of fallout where Grian chose his secret above Joel, Joel ended up surviving anyway but it caused a deep hatred between he two. Joel also grasps Grian's secret to a certain extent, but some if it's his own guesswork since Grian never told Joel himself.

Ren also knows something about Grian. They were never friends, but I'm going to assume he saw something or stumbled in on something, but Ren knows how sacred watcher vows are which is why both he and Joel are terrified of Grian's threats...

Other behind-the-scenes magic that I never got a chance to reveal is how Shubble landed up in the arena. Shubble made the top twenty cuz Mojang realized she was an admin blood, and wanted to see what she could do. In fact, there are a lot of backstories to why people made it when they shouldn't have that would've come into play if I'd had more time...

Among things that were almost in the book -

Grian and Lizzie almost teamed up after Joel left to avoid being hurt and Pearl ditched Grian with Martyn. I thought they would be an amazing team, and their dynamic would be so fun to write because they're both easily the best wild cards of the series. However, I wrote her in as dead at the first chance because the book couldn't be too long.

Grian and Mumbo also almost teamed up. Their dynamic is, let's be real, probably the funnest.


Thiw was an inspired line from another book (I'm Sorry, But I only Hurt You) by Vlnji. I think it was on Ao3. I had just started writing Soulbreak and I stumbled upon that fic. This fic almost altered Soulbreak in a very different way. Here's the scene that almost changed the entire plot of Soulbreak:

"No. It's all my fault. I abandoned her. I told her that she was a cheater. I knew she was looking for me, but I was mad, so I blamed her for everything. The red hoodie, the Scarlet Witch thing, the unhingement, it's all because of me."

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