Chapter 1 - True Friends

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DISCLAIMER: I do not ship real people, not support shipping real people. I ship characters. Thank you for reading XD

[PoV - 3rd Person/Pearl]

"What is wrong with you!? So much for 'true friends'." Pearl laughed, keeling over backward in laughter and wiping snow from her face.

"You never saw it coming!" A second figure snorted.

"Let's go!" A third boy high-fived the second man.

"I am going to obliterate you this season," Pearl growled,

"I'd like to see you try." The second boy stuck his chin up and snickered.

"Shut up, Grian." Pearl staggered to her feet and shoved him into the snow.

"Ooh, ouch." The third boy dictated from the sidelines. Pearl whipped around to face him, grinning in an almost evil way.

"Don't worry - I didn't forget about you, traitor!" Pearl barreled towards the man.

"Whoah - whoah - Pearl! PEARL! Pearl, we can work this out-!" The boy was sent flying into the snow next to Grian. Pearl smiled in satisfaction.

"Gotcha," Pearl smirked and sat down next to the two figures lying on the snow.

"Ack, I have snow in my sweater-" Scott began to complain.

"Aw, quit your whining, Scott." Grian snickered as he sat up.

"It's getting dark... we should probably race back to our dorms." Scott leaped to his feet as soon as he noticed the pink tint the sky was taking on.

"But the arena is so loud," Grian muttered.

"I thought you liked it loud. I mean, pretty much anyone who's met you never appreciates silence in the same way after." Pearl pointed out with an evil glint in her eyes.

"Hey now!" Grian punched Pearl playfully, and she punched him hard back. "Owwww," Grian groaned. Pearl merely flashed him a grin and began skipping back towards the city.

"Aren't the mountains pretty?" Scott admired the beautiful outskirts of the large Minecraftia capitol. The city was pretty much an oasis of cramped urban life in the middle of the most beautiful mountain range you would ever see.

"What mountain are we on again? Is it Mojang Peak? Or is this one actually Admin Pinnacle?" Grian frowned as he squinted at the top of the snowy mountain the threesome was hiking. Scott rolled his eyes and exchanged a look with Pearl. "Hey! It's not my fault I don't know geography!"

"I mean... it kind of is," Scott muttered under his breath. Before Grian could protest he quickly answered, "We're on Mount Salvation."

"Pfft, salvation is right." Pearl rolled her eyes.

"Shhh! Pearl!" Grian clamped his hand over her mouth. "Watch your mouth," Grian whispered.

"Whatever." Pearl shook Grian off and scowled. But she knew Grian was right.

"We should pick up the pace," Scott spoke up suddenly.

"Why? You said the main matches were tomorrow night, so we don't have to get to bed on time." Pearl frowned. Scott looked around nervously.

"This isn't the city... out here hostile mobs come out at night," Scott murmured.

"I thought Mojang got rid of all of them!?" Grian yelped.

"No, they just lit up the city. Mobs can't spawn unless it's dark. Out here... well, it gets really dark." Scott explained.

"Wait? Why can't mobs spawn in light-?" Grian started. Pearl facepalmed. "Wha-!?"

"City boy." Pearl and Scott snickered and Pearl linked her arm in Scott's own as they jogged down towards the city.

"Hey - what are you - WAIT UP!" Grian cried. Scott and Pearl stifled their laughs as they teased Grian. When Grian finally managed to catch up Scott and Pearl pretended to whisper a conversation. "I - I-" Grian was speechless.

Scott and Pearl promptly collapsed in laughter.

. . .

"Night, Gri," Pearl waved goodbye to the boy in the red sweater.

"Good night." Grian massaged his temples as he disappeared into his own arena dorm room.

"See you in the morning, Scott." Pearl hugged the blue-haired boy.

"Night, Pearlo." Scott grinned as he stepped into his room across from Grian's in the boys' wing of the arena. Pearl wished her room was in the same wing as Scott and G, but she knew it wasn't possible. With a sigh, Pearl raced down the quartz staircase and bolted into her own small room.

As Pearl lay down in her white cot and sank into her pillow she could hear honking and yells from the street below. Too tired to change, Pearl allowed the loud and coarse music of the streets to lull her into her nightmares. 

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