Chapter 15 - Bloodlust

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Sneaking out of the bunker had been easy. Grian was fast asleep, and Pearl's resolve was firm. Of course, that meant Pearl had to see Scott's pale face - still peaceful with dreams - and contain her urge to punch him in the face. But it was a small price to pay in light of a moment of solitude.

Pearl splashed water on her face, washing the sleep from her features. Berries. Pearl noticed the reflection of the red fruit on the edge of the river immediately. Pearl shifted to her knees and reached over the water, managing to grasp a little fruit between her thumb and forefinger.

Squirt. The red liquid splashed over her fingers, staining them red. Hmm. Pearl eyed her reflection in the water. A brush of red dye to her lips, a flush of color on her hollow cheeks, and... it was no small feat to dye her waterline red, but the effect was dazzling. Pearl's face finally reflected what was behind it. Pearl collected a few more handfuls of berries in her skirt, deciding to save them for future days.

For dramatic effect, Pearl stained the flesh around her mouth. At a glance, Pearl's face was alight with blood. Pearl liked to imagine it was a fellow servermate, but she had to be patient before she could make her imagination a reality. Would blood damage her skin? Pearl didn't care, just the idea had her brain abuzz.

The dull ache in her heart begged for some kind of filling, and Pearl was quick to replace it with a lust for blood. Back to Grian... or... Martyn's face wavered at the edges of Pearl's thoughts, but she pushed him back out. She already had enough faces in her life.

Suddenly an idea struck Pearl. Blood. Of course. Pearl ended the cow's life in two well-placed slashes to its neck. The resulting puddle of blood was more than enough. Pearl mashed the blood and berries together and dipped her clothes into the pool one by one. The only garment she left white was the collared undershirt. Even her leather belt was stained a deep maroon.

Nodding in approval of her new wardrobe, Pearl redressed herself. Unable to resist, she tested the blood on her lips. The resulting color was far more saturated and deserving of Pearl's vision for her appearance.

A glance at the sun peeking over the water reminded Pearl that if she wanted to catch Scott before he and... Cleo, oh how Pearl hated the name. Just thinking it made her shudder. But the pair were soon scheduled to leave and not return, and Pearl was determined to-

What was Pearl going to do? I could end their first lives violently... of course, I would die, too... but that's a small price to pay for the enjoyment... perhaps taking his life is a little extreme. A couple of hundred scenarios flashed through her head, and Pearl landed on a less fulfilling but equally fulfilling form of vengeance. There was plenty of snow in the mountains after all...

But that plan would have to wait until later, as much as it annoyed Pearl to admit so. Pearl raced up the steep terrain of the mountains, leaving the river far behind her. Pearl was fast. Faster than most. And with her red cape and pale skin, her figure was striking against the white snow. Even Cleo's gorgeous voluminous orange waves didn't have anything on Pearl's aura of death.

It was only human nature to be attracted to that which was dark. The mysterious, the shadowed, was like a magnet to the more gullible ones. Books, entertainment, occupations... even people, like Pearl. Magnets. Perhaps Cleo could fall under the dark and mysterious category, being undead.

But the undead held nothing on living demons.

Pearl wasn't beautiful, nor was she pretty. She was dangerous. And that was the most striking quality of all. Of course, the blood made a substantial difference to her image (or lack thereof).

The sun peeked over the edge of the snowy mountaintops, setting the white ablaze with shades of crimson, clementine, and gold. Pearl didn't stop to dwell on the beauty of her surroundings.

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