Chapter 30 - The Last Listener...?

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Pearl woke from her nightmares to something warm and wet. She opened her eyes, startled. "Tilly!" Pearl gasped in relief. Tilly continued to lick Pearl's face. "You nearly gave me a heart attack!" Pearl wrapped her arms around the dog "We're okay, aren't we?"

Tilly barked and wagged her tail.

"That's my baby..." As Pearl looked around reality set in. There was a crater in the ground next to her. Grian is dead. Grian is - was - a watcher. Grian was the most powerful being I have ever seen. Grian was very good at keeping secrets. Grian is now a voice in my head. Pearl clutched her temples. It was too much to take in. It hurt to much.

Pearl's brother was gone.

Pearl waited for the agony, the loss to hit her. It didn't. With Grian's last breath, he had commanded that he was with her. And strangely enough, he was. Then the clarity was gone, and the shadows began to spin around her head again.

It was foggy and gray and painful and hard to think. A low grow rose in Tilly's throat, and Pearl was brought back. But one thing had suddenly made itself clear.

"Today, we're going to kill every one who's every harmed us."

And that's what they set off to do.

. . .

"Okay here's the agenda-" Pearl grinned. Tilly barked, her tail wagging.

"Tango." Pearl raised an eyebrow. Tilly barked her support.

"Cleo." Pearl couldn't keep the bitter note of jealousy from slipping through. Tilly growled.

"Scott." Pearl continued. Tilly cocked her head to the side. "Oh darling, don't you remember who Scott is?" Pearl asked. Tilly frowned - or the wolf version of frowning. "We don't like Scott."

Tilly didn't seem convinced.

"Okay we like him a little, but we mostly don't like him."

Tilly's eyes narrowed.

"Haven't I told you this!?" Pearl sighed. "Scott's the boy I used to love."

Tilly's eyes widened. Pearl's jaw dropped, and she looked around quickly.

"Shh, you don't ever tell anyone I said that," Pearl commanded. How does Tilly do it!? "But we don't like him now. He got himself a little girlfriend and left us all behind. If we were ever friends, whatever we had is long over."

Tilly growled again, eyes narrowing.

"That's right." Pearl stroked Tilly's ears. "I used to stalk him, yannow?" She added, offhand. Tilly's eyes widened again. "You're such a judgy little thing!" Pearl laughed, giving Tilly a gentle wack. Tilly licked her hand, her eyes laughing with Pearl.

"And this one's pretty self-explanatory. We're getting Martyn first."

Tilly barked angrily. Tilly had heard all about him.

"That's right, we don't like him either." Pearl glared. "I think that's everyone, but we have to get everyone eventually. And then we'll win."

Tilly wagged her tail.

"Off we go, then? To the north? Where he was headed?" Pearl suggested. "Now I know what you're thinking - 'Pearl you won't be able to kill him, you care about him.' Well, see, there's a solution to that. Right now Grian's keeping me a little bit..." Pearl struggled for the right word and landed on "Present. But when I see Martyn you mustn't get scared. I promise that mommy isn't hurt, she'll just be a little off. Then it's your job to make sure Grian can pull me back. I'm putting a lot of faith in you, Tilly." Pearl smiled.

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