Chapter 20 - In Which Grian Finds His Soulmate...?

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[PoV - Grian]

Morning came with a gentle glow filtering through the thin cracks of the hideout's entrance. Grian sat upright, his thoughts still a storm of the previous night's events. He needed to move, to act, to find Scar.

He stepped into the main chamber to find Ren, Mumbo, and Skizz already awake, discussing something in hushed tones.

"I don't like it," Skizz was saying, concern evident in his voice, "Grian rushing off into the unknown without proper preparation. Especially after last night."

Grian cleared his throat, and the three turned their attention to him. "I appreciate the concern, Skizz, but I have to find Scar. It's very important for me to find my soulmate. And besides - something tells me even if he's not my soulmate he'll know more about Life than every one else in Life combined."

Ren sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Look, Grian, we don't trust Scar. He's known for his tricks and deceit. If you're set on this, at least let us give you something for your journey."

"Where did this sudden camaraderie come from?" Grian laughed. But Ren remained completely serious, his face grave. His voice lowered so only Grian could hear him -

"Look, I know you know more than you're letting on about what - what happened." Ren paused. Grian knew he was referring to the eerie whisper of the past evening. "I know you know the ways of old magic. And I know that you're very talented in deceit. After all, I would know."

The silence hung between them like a curtain. It meant more than anyone else could comprehend.

"I know nothing." Grian lied. Flawlessy, he might add.

Ren smiled.

Mumbo chimed in, "We've got some supplies and equipment that could help. Besides, you might want this." He handed Grian a sword. Grian stifled a gasp. It was a rich blue color.

"It's a diamond sword." Grian breathed. "Where-" Grian began to ask but thought better of it. He took the sword in his hands delicately. He had only ever held a weapon this powerful once - when he was much younger, and far out of Mojang's radar.

Grian nodded gratefully, "Thanks, Mumbo. And thank all of you for everything."

With a heavy heart, Grian began his ascent out of the underground tunnel, emerging into the crisp mountain air from the beginnings of a stone house on a mountain. The world seemed bigger, vaster. He set his sights north, filled with a mix of determination and trepidation.

Grian eyed the neighboring mountain. Where Scar was said to be. It was far shorter than the mountain Grian currently stood on. He could see practically the entire mount just from where he stood. There was no shelter - nor remnants of a shelter on top of the mountain. It was safe to say Scar had moved on.

Grian had expected this outcome, but it didn't stop the stab of disappointment he felt. And the stab of pain that penetrated his left arm.

"Ow!" Grian yelped. He grabbed his shoulder instinctively. His hand came away coated in blood. Grian swore under his breath.

Hmm... he's likely not in the south... or the west... and I haven't been that far east but nobody's seen him there for a long time... I know he's been there though because Bdubs and Jimmy were talking about him... After some deliberation, Grian decided on North as the safest direction.

His journey took him through dense woods, across trickling streams, and over towering ridges. Each step felt like a challenge, a testament to his resolve.

It was on the third day when he stumbled upon a quaint campsite. Smoke rose lazily from a fire, around which a figure sat, humming a tune.

Grian's heart skipped a beat. Someone was sitting on a log by the fire. His bare back was facing Grian. Grian sized the man up for a second. He was about Scar's size - if not more muscular.

As Grian approached, the man looked up, revealing a mischievous smile, "Well, if it isn't Grian! What brings you to my humble abode?"

Grian recognized that voice. He could scarcely believe it. After all this time... all these long days. The only two people he had thought of; were Pearl and Scar. All those lonesome days. Grian squinted, "Scar? Is that you?"

Scar chuckled, "The one and only. And to what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Do you have a soulmate yet?" As Grian spoke he noticed Scar looked rattled and shaken. Something had happened to the man.

"Oh - right. Soulmates! I completely forgot." Scar grinned.

"Scar! How did you forget the most important aspect of our lives right now!?" Grian gaped. Scar shrugged. Grian shook himself and continued,

"I heard you might have information that I need... and... you might be my soulmate" Grian continued, trying to maintain a firm stance.

Scar raised an eyebrow, "Information? You sure you didn't come for one of my exquisite healing crystals?"

Grian exhaled slowly, trying to keep his temper, "Scar, this is serious. I need to find my soulmate in order to protect us both. This game is life or death. This is no time for games."

Scar leaned back, studying Grian closely, "Alright, sit. Let's chat."

"Ch-chat?" Grian was taken aback.

"I have tea." Scar smiled. As if that explained everything.

As the night settled, Grian poured out his heart to Scar. He didn't know if it was the tea or the firelight or merely the fact he had company for the first time in days. Scar listened, his typical playful demeanor replaced by one of deep thought.

Once Grian finished, Scar finally spoke, "I may not be the most trustworthy person around, but I think you're way over your head with Pearl."

Grian nodded, "I know... but I'm ready to face whatever comes my way. I feel awful for leaving her like that. No matter how... broken... her head is right now it's not her fault. I knew it wasn't her fault. And with her being ji-"

Grian bit his tongue. This was no place to voice anything remotely related to his past. If he wanted to survive, he would have to take this secret to the grave. Probably literally. The odds were not in his favor. He had a five percent shot of winning the thing. Probably ten considering his... advantages, but still.

The odds were not in his favor.

Scar looked into the fire, lost in thought, "Well, good luck. If I were you I would just fix whatever she has going on with Scott and then everything would go back to normal."

Grian's eyes widened, then lowered again in defeat, "That won't help. It's too late. Once the spiral's begun it can't be stopped..." Grian remembered the words from the past night and shuddered. "I need to find Pearl. But this has been fun. You have a good gig going - Mumbo was bragging about his recent purchase." Grian's eyes glinted with mirth.

Scar grinned, "Ah, good ol' Mumbo. Always falling for my tricks. But this time, it's no trick. If you fail she'll kill us all." Scar's eyes glazed over for a second and Grian went rigid. There was a long silence before Scar shivered violently and perked up again. "Do you want to spend the night with me?"

"No... I need to go right what I messed up."

"Goodbye, friend." Scar smiled.

"Goodbye, Scar." Grian hugged Scar on an impulse. "Oops." Grian apologized when he realized he had disturbed the bandage wound round' Scar's shoulder. "Hey - what was bothering you so much earlier?"

Scar's eyes widened. He seemed to forget all about what had troubled him. "Oh - don't go near the ravine north of here. Someone's released a... shadowspinner."

Grian's jaw went slack. His heart thundered. Shadowspinners weren't supposed to exist anymore. They were all supposed to be gone. The watchers' warden had long ago been wiped out... Grian could recall his childhood nightmares featuring the tall horned creatures vividly.

Grian stumbled of into the night. A branch snagged his wounded shoulder and he yelped. He was too distracted by his own thoughts to hear the matching cry from behind him.

The words of the previous night, spoken by his ancestors, echoed in his mind. Flee. Flee. Flee...

Flee the Jinxed

Soulbreak - A MCYT 3rd/Last/Double Life FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now