Chapter 32 - The Final Two

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Pearl stood in a vast gray meadow. The same meadow that had welcomed her to the world she was now confined to. It took her a second to find her bearings and roll up into a sitting position. "Grian," Pearl recognized the mouse-brown hair.

"Hey, sis." The short man grinned, tousling his fluffy head.

"Am I dead? Is this the afterlife? Is Tilly here, too?" Pearl smiled.

"Tilly really wanted to come, but I told her she'd have to wait. We don't have long as it is." Grian winced.

"Don't have long..." Pearl frowned, "Oh," her heart plummeted, "I'm not dead am I?"

"Oh, hush up!" Grian punched her jokingly, "You don't have to sound so grumpy about it." Grian laughed. Pearl punched him back, hard. Grian muttered something under his breath, wincing. "Same Pearl..."

"What do you waaaaaant from meeee?" Pearl groaned.

"I expected a warmer welcome. Like a - thanks for keeping me from going insane, Grian! Or a you're the best brother ever!" Grian shook his head, imitating Pearl in a high voice.

It was Pearl's turn to roll her eyes.

"Anyway..." Grian continued, "You must know by now that Cleo and Martyn broke the bonds of soulbound."

Pearl's jaw dropped. She had completely forgotten that Cleo should've died with Martyn. "...Excuse me?" Pearl gaped.

"That leaves you, Scott, and Cleo."

"...That's it!?" Pearl gasped.

"There were only ten pairs to begin with, remember? Lizzie got caught in one of Joel's traps, eliminating her and whoever she was soulbound to. When I died I took Scar with me, poor thing. At least his spirit gets to live on, now-"

"Hang up what?"

"A bit of Scar's soul was connected to mine, hence the soulbound thing. That means that when the whole watcher fiasco went down Scar's soul was connected to the Watchers. Watchers' souls live forever, always watching. We have a whole nifty court thing, we ghosts."

"Yea, let's backtrack to the whole watcher thing - what in bloody-"

"I'll tell you later, Pearlz."

"Grian-" Pearl's voice warned.

"Pearl, we really don't have long. In a minute or two you'll wake up in Scott's arms and I won't be able to communicate-"

"Scott's arms-!?" Pearl's face twisted in horror,

"Later, Pearl!" Grian growled. "What I was saying is that with only three of you left since the boogeyman, it's very crucial that you and Scott both survive."

"The boogeyman - Grian you can't keep doing this."

"Ugh, fine! The boogeyman's the reason why they're all dead. Well, the boogeyman and you. Didn't your significant special person at the beginning explain it to you?"

"We didn't have enough time." Pearl sighed.

"Yes, I suppose Taurtis and I didn't have long, either. Anyway, this whole season there's been a boogeyman charged with getting rid of people or being compelled to kill themselves. Cleo exploited some glitch in it when she was the boogeyman in the second month, unbinding her and Martyn. The last one was Mumbo, who you killed anyway."

"Okay, okay- so how are me and Scott both planning on surviving? That's impossible, Gri."

"Well, see, I've been thinking - there can't be a boogeyman within the final two, correct?"

Soulbreak - A MCYT 3rd/Last/Double Life FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now