Chapter 16: Lifeline... Severed

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[PoV - Grian]

Pearl seems to be doing better, Grian noted. He couldn't get a smile out of her yet, but she no longer screamed and shook in her dreams. The first night had been the worst. Grian wasn't sure what to do, but when he held her she was a bit quieter. From then on every time the moon rose Pearl would slip under her own covers and Grian would put an arm around her from his bed.

At first, it was annoying, but soon Grian realized how lucky he was to have any kind of familial company in Life. Without his little sister, his life would be completely purposeless. In return, Grian could offer the little comfort he could during the long, cold nights readily.

The days faded into the same repetitive cycle. The sun rose, Pearl with it. Grian would wake up an hour later to steaming fish and fire. Pearl would fish up crazy junk from the bottom of the river. Bowls. Lily pads. Used bows. Old leather boots. How they had gotten there, Grian could only wonder. But he was grateful for their existence.

On rare occasions, Pearl would gift Grian a bow with unique properties. A bow that set its arrows aflame. A bow that would last forever. Strange, amazing properties indeed.

When the sun rose over the mountain, Grian would set off to chop wood and Pearl would disappear for an hour to who knows where. Grian never asked. Pearl never told. She always came back breathless and sweaty - with twigs tangled in every stray hair. Once Grian caught her wiping blood from her sword just as she returned. Her boots were always worn thin and tossed out - Pearl went through a new pair of fished-up boots every day.

Today her hands were wrapped in leather strips, and she held them over the fireplace. No doubt another strange symptom of her disappearances. Grian wondered if he should ask, just in case he needed to intervene. But Pearl's eyes were brighter than normal, and Grian wouldn't dare spoil her mood.

After her scheduled hour, Grian and Pearl would reconvene for lunch (salmon). Then the two would decide on which tasks needed to be conquered. Pearl usually opted for the more strenuous tasks, while Grian stuck to menial mining or some form of material gathering.

"Pass me the fish, would you Gri?"

"You're chipper," Grian noted aloud,

"Nice weather." Pearl smiled. Grian raised an eyebrow, looking for the sarcasm but finding none.

"Um, I hate to break it to you Pearl but it's over A HUNDRED DEGREES!"

"Not quite that cool, I'd wager a solid hundred-and-ten."

"You're completely missing the POINT!" Grian gaped.

"Point taken... annnnddd lost. I happen to love the weather today."

Grian merely shook his head in disgust. Pearl stretched her hands out to warm them over the fire, and as she did so one of her bandages fell loose and unraveled into the fire. Pearl reached to grab it, but it was too late. The edge of her fingertips blistered and she recoiled.

"Pearl!" Grian grabbed Pearl's hand, and she winced. "Oh... oh Pearl." Grian gasped softly.

Her flesh was a dark purple and blue color, cold and hard. All of her nails had fallen out, leaving tiny white stumps. The cuticles enveloping the stumps were falling apart, blackened, and charred. As Grian grabbed the flesh a layer of black skin peeled under his fingers, exposing more ugly red and blue skin. Blood. Frozen blood.

"What the f-" Grian's voice filled with horror. His eyes raised to meet Pearl's. His hands were shaking. Pearl's hand dropped to her side. Pearl bit her lip. "Pearl." Grian struggled to control his shaking voice.

"I'm fine, Gri."

"I don't care. Do you have any idea what this is doing to me?" Grian's voice broke. He looked away. "Every time you cut yourself. Every time you get yourself hurt. Pearl... I don't know if I can do this anymore."


"I need to go."

"Grian! It's just a little frostbite!" Pearl cried after him. Grian picked up his belongings, not even listening to her. Silence. Finally, "Grian, where are you going?"

"Away. Don't follow me, Pearl. Not unless you leave whatever this is. You're mental. Mental, Pearl. I've broken my back over and over for you. Supporting you, healing you, helping you, sticking up for you. But Scott was right. You're not my Pearl."

Grian grabbed a fish from the fire and turned on his heel, not daring himself to steal another glance at Pearl. His resolve was already wavering, and he knew he was right. Blinking hard, Grian strode into the woods.

He broke into a run only after he was out of Pearl's line of sight. He didn't know what would become of her. He knew that by leaving her he was probably condemning her to a much worse form of self-harm. He knew that this was the highest form of betrayal. He knew he was abandoning his sister. His only lifeline. Her only lifeline.

It was killing him. But it has to be done, Grian told himself over and over. Justifying himself to himself. Besides, it's too late to go back now. Grian explained. He was only fooling himself.

Grian raised his hand to wipe his eyes.

"Ow," Grian yelped. A thin red scratch appeared on his hand. One of the several injuries endured over the past few weeks credit his bonded servermate. Grian's band flashed, illuminating the woods for a split second. The same four galactic letters glared at him, faintly illuminated as always. Teasing. Hiding. And suddenly Grian knew what he was going to do.

It was high time he found his soulmate. 


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