Chapter 7 - A Shivery Thrill

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[PoV - 1st/Pearl]

I materialize on the outskirts of a birch forest. My head pounds and my stomach swirls round and round. "Eugh!" I retch up the small amount of food I managed to take in for lunch yesterday. Ugh... I was on a streak! I almost held food down for twenty-four hours!

I stagger to my feet. I feel incredibly sickly and dizzy. I never wanted to teleport again. Another wave of nausea hit, and I cling to an oak tree to remain upright. When the storm of motion sickness fades, I finally manage to get a grip on reality.

I hadn't even realized I was crying. But when I put her hand to my face it's wet. Did I really hear my father? I'm not sure... everything is so jumbled. All I know for sure was that here in Life, it's kill or be killed.

Also, the entire Minecraftia is watching me from their living rooms on a screen. So I have to play things smart. If I want people to support me, I have to put on a good show.

I dust my white blouse off and stumble down towards a small stream. The stream divides the birch forest from the oak forest. I can also see giant mushrooms from here, so there's a dark oak forest, too.

When I get knee-high in the stream, I rinse my new lime green cloak. How long have I been out between the arena and Life? Long enough, because I'm wearing new clothes and I have obviously been injected with something, because a small scar's visible on my left forearm.

We must have been unconscious the whole time. Or our memories have been wiped. That thought makes me angry. I don't want anyone messing around in my mind.

My black pants are much too baggy, so I manage to rip them a bit shorter and tighten my leather belt. My white boots are acceptable, but they'll get dirty fast...

I have to find Scott. That's the first thought that races through my brain. I quickly wade out of the stream and emerge on the other side of the divide. Pushing the weeds aside, I realize I need to find a higher vantage point. I can barely make out tall stone mountains on the edge of the horizon.

And... a barrier!? Mojang is taking this seriously! my eyes widen. Calculating the position of the sun, I begin to run towards the mountains. I need to find Scott. But... I also need to find my soulmate... and I need to gather supplies. Because I'm almost positive it will get dark enough here for mobs to spawn.

I've seen mobs before. In the outskirts of refugee camps. I don't want to see anymore, but I don't have a choice now, do I? I sigh as I take a detour into the forest to grab some wood. Once I collect ten logs my patience wanes and I keep running towards the mountain.

Suddenly I hear a voice behind me. "Hi!" A small girl with short black hair waves to me.

"Shubble! Thank goodness, I was almost worried I was alone here!" I gasp.

"I'm here, too!" Martyn called, surfacing behind Shubble. "Our mine entrance is right here. You ran right over it." Martyn gestures to a small hole in the landscape. It was hidden by the long plain grasses. "Here, do you have any tools yet?"

I shake my head reluctantly. I really should have at least made some wooden tools.

"Here." Martyn grins as he presses an iron pick, a diamond sword, and a shield into my hands. "We've been gathering some starter tools."

"Starter tools!?" I chuckle.

"Where are you running?" Martyn cocks his head to the side.

"I need to find Scott." I say. Isn't it obvious?

"Why?" Martyn frowns. Why? The question takes me aback.

"Because... he's my friend." I'm not exactly sure how I'm supposed to answer.

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