Chapter 9 - One Word

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[PoV - Scott/3rd]

"I'm sure Pearl's fine," Grian waved Scott off again, "The first thing she'll do is look for us. She has enough common sense to know to go to the mountains. We all agreed that if anything ever happened in the arena we would meet in the Hypixel mountains. She should get it." But Scott didn't feel completely reassured. He just wished she would hurry up and catch up.

"I suppose so. You know Pearl-" Scott sighed his response, but was interrupted.

"Found some vines!" Cleo panted, running into camp and kneeling next to Grian in front of Scott. The pain was unbearable, but it was becoming more tolerable.

"That was fast." Grian smiled and quickly wrapped the vines around Scott's legs, firmly securing the raw meat to Scott's shins. Cleo and Scott exhaled in relief at the same time, and Scott exchanged a small smile with her. He had just realized how pretty Cleo's forest green eyes were. And her smile - Scott's thought was interrupted.

"Can you walk on your own?" Grian frowned,

"I'm-" Scott started, but was interrupted yet again.

"Of course not! Did you see his burns?" Cleo gaped and wrapped her arms around Scott, pulling him to his feet and adjusting her arm around him to support his right side. Grian looked annoyed for some reason, but Scott appreciated the support and gave her a warm smile.

Scott couldn't help glancing from Grian to Cleo, wondering why they were being so protective as each of them took one of his arms to help him walk. He could walk alone, good Notch. Scott shook his head slightly.

"Come on, let's set up camp at the top." Grian shielded his eyes from the sun with his empty hand.

"Or as close as we can get, considering Scott's condition," Cleo's eyes flashed. Grian rolled his eyes. Scott really couldn't fathom what was going on here. Were they arguing about what happened to him?

"Who died and made you queen?" Grian muttered under his breath. Scott flashed a side eye at Grian, telling him silently to shut up. Grian rolled his eyes. He looked confused for some reason.

Eventually, they reached a nice inlet in the rocky cliffside just before sunset. Grian went to collect wood from the sparse trees littering the mountainside and Cleo and Scott were left alone.

Scott had been a bit confused when Cleo had first offered to travel with him. Why? He had asked himself. He and Cleo had never been aligned, they hadn't even been friends in the arena. Scott had scarcely seen her.

But he had to admit, she had a nice laugh. And a witty sense of humor. And she wasn't bad looking. Scott shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts, and accidentally moved his legs. "Ah," Scott blanched. The pain was bearable, but just barely.

"Are you okay?" Cleo's eyes widened. She was sitting on the log next to him, but she scooched closer to examine his legs. "How in Notch's name did your soulmate manage to get burned this bad!?" Cleo shook her head.

"I haven't the faintest idea." Scott shook his head.

"Has anyone ever told you how cool your blue hair is?" Cleo switched the subject suddenly.

"No," Scott answered. That was a lie. Pearl had reminded him almost every day back at the arena. What am I saying?

"Well it looks awesome," Cleo smiled shyly and began braiding a few strands of it together. Scott flinched away slightly at her touch, but he found he didn't mind it all that much.

"Oh, Sorry." Cleo yelped when Scott flinched ever so slightly.

"No, it's fine," Scott assured her. But Cleo didn't resume braiding. "Um... do you have any family? I mean... um... sorry-" Scott began but Cleo burst out in laughter.

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