Chapter 18 - Have You Died Recently?

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[PoV - Pearl]

Pearl didn't mind that her view was obstructed. That didn't bother her nearly as much as Cleo's high-pitched voice as she laughed at whatever Scott had said. Unfortunately, from behind this bush, Pearl couldn't read Scott's lips like usual.

Pearl had grown used to the sight of the pretty little house at the edge of a ravine. She was proud of her soulmate's work - even if he didn't know it. Her favorite time was when they'd get visitors. Joel, Etho, and Lizzie namely. Last time Lizzie had been by there had been talk of Lizzie moving in with them in light of her current soulbound situation. Or lack of one.

Pearl's jealous blood boiled at the thought. Scott was laughing now, too. That wouldn't do.

Pearl crawled through the bushes as she looked for her familiar vantage point and little hole. There! Pearl crawled into the little hole. It wasn't very deep and there was an opening in the shrubbery at her eye level that looked straight at the pair's camp. Pearl took out her freshly filled bucket of snow and emptied it into the hole. Pearl shed her cool iron boots and dug her heels into the ice.

It wouldn't be long before she'd have Scott's attention. He wouldn't be laughing then.

. . .

Grian rounded on the intropeler. The man in the green sweater subconsciously took a few steps back and his hand flew to his sword. Grian cursed.

"Well, well, well... what do we have here, buddies?" Joel's eyes narrowed.

"Hey, Joel. What's... what's poppin'?" Grian chuckled in a nervous way.

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't end you right now?"

Grian froze. He'd known this was coming, but he was still surprised. He'd thought they'd share some level of camaraderie in light of their current situation. After all, Grian and Joel had been stuck together in a similar situation once. Back when Joel was his best friend...

"Joel." Grian breathed. Joel sensed the shift in Grian's tone and visibly tensed.

"Grian." Joel's hand flew to his sword and before Grian could react the blade was whipping towards him.

Grian ducked. A lock of his mouse-brown hair fluttered to the forest floor. Grian responded before Joel could go for another strike. Iron sword met iron sword with a clash.

"Remember how this ended for you last time?" Grian growled through heavy breathing. The responding growl and burst of strength almost disarmed Grian. Almost. But Grian knew Joel's fighting like he knew his red sweater. "Joel we don't have to do this. We can work together. Joel I don't want to kill you." Grian's voice grew more and more desperate as he continued to parry Joel's blows.

Joel laughed mercilessly. "You're worried about killing me?"

"Joel I'm gonna give you one more chance!" Grian warned.

"Shut it, Gri."

Grian's eyes widened. Joel gaped. Both swords fell to their sides. Neither said a word, they just stood there ogling.

"Well, this is a moment." Jimmy snorted.

"Shut it, Tim." Grian and Joel snapped at Timmy in sync.

The three's jaws all dropped in unison again.

"I hate to cut in, but the sun's about to set." Bdubs sounded like he very much liked to cut in.

"This has been fun - this had been great - but I have to get going. I came here to find my soulmate." Grian backed out of the little circle.

"What if Joel's your soulmate?" Jimmy raised an eyebrow.

Joel slashed Grian's arm. Grian immediately raised his sword to retaliate but the cut was shallow. Not intended to kill, not like the other slashes. Blood poured in a thin stream. Drip. Drip. Joel's arm remained undamaged.

"There's your answer." Joel shrugged. Grian felt an inexplicable stab of disappointment. "I need to see Mumbo, Ren, and Skizz. Do you know where I can find them?" Joel asked.

"Straight thataway-" Bdubs lifted his hand and pointed north. Grian noticed the letters on his wristband glowed a light, sunshine yellow. Grian frowned and glanced at Joel's wrist. Green. Like all the wristbands he'd seen.

"Tim... have you died recently?" Grian realized.

Jimmy and Bdubs exchanged panicked glances and Grian knew he'd guessed right.

"Is that how you found each other?"

"I don't know what you're talkin' about, mate," Jimmy spoke at last.

"Hm." Grian hummed a reply. Jimmy and Bdubs realized it was too late.

"Well, I'll be off then." Joel interrupted, turning to start off west.

"I have to see the trio, too. Travel together?" Grian was in a daring mood. Joel looked surprised but he didn't argue so Grian figured it was safe to start walking with him. Joel fell into step beside him. They walked in awkward silence for a while. That was fine - Grian would take silence over an attempt on his life.

"Are you looking for your soulmate?" Joel asked after a while. The minute the words were out of his mouth he looked like he wanted to take them back and return to silence. Grian wasn't going to pass up a rare opportunity to talk to Joel, though.

"Yea. What brings you to them?"

Joel debated and answered for a moment before caving. "I'm trying to... well, beat Mojang at their own game. I figure if we take out the barrier we can get out. Ruin this fun little experiment."

"Barrier?" Grian eyes flew open. Joel snorted a laugh.

"There's a barrier around-"

"I know," Grian interrupted. "Joel... my ancestor warned me not to destroy it. He said that it was impossible." Grian winced. Joel's eyes flashed.

"That's what they want you to think. We've broken barriers before, remember?"

Grian winced again at the memory. "Yes, but the server was already falling apart. The barrier would've come down with the world not long after anyway."

"So we use a stronger-"

Grian clamped his hand over Joel's mouth. Joel struggled to free himself but Grian bowled them both into the grass. On top of Joel with the tall grass surrounding them on all sides, Grian mouthed. If you reveal us we will be finished. I will curse you with my last breath. Do not speak another word of this - ever.

Grian climbed off of Joel and pulled him up. He was confident Mojang's cameras wouldn't be able to see what he had just said. They had been sheltered on all sides. Joel wasn't angry - he looked relieved. And scared. He was the only one in the world who would understand just what Grian was threatening if he slipped up.

"Have you heard from your girlfriend?" Grian smiled. As if everything was perfect. Joel's face darkened at the mention of Lizzie.

"She's not my girlfriend."

"Rrrrright. I forgot you weren't labeling things or whatever. I'm guessing you haven't then. So who's your soulbound?" Grian smirked. Before Joel could answer someone called from above them.

"Grian! Do not take another step or we will all die."

Soulbreak - A MCYT 3rd/Last/Double Life FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now