Chapter 30: The Carnival

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Naaji immediately read Rudolph's latest diary entry, but the people of Ironville were oblivious. Even Thalassa enjoyed the food and music enough to forget, at least on the surface, that her life was in danger on a planet she already hated. Alec and Megara might as well have been back on Earth. They squealed on the merry-go round, begging for another ride every time, until Megara was so dizzy she was sick. Mercury had hundreds of vibrant photos unlike any he took of Ironville before. Their band even ended up on the stage when one of the tribute acts didn't show up. All of their friends gathered to sing and dance. Azrael even arrived with Firmino, his siblings and Epsilon. Mercury was impressed with the photo that Firmino took of the sun setting over the stage.

'I love photography. But it all looks the same up here.'

'Cool! I'm gonna make this my cover photo on Rotobook! Shall I credit you?'

'As long as you're not friends with Courtney... yeah, if you want.'

'Oh, no. I blocked her.'

'Well, I'm gonna get out of here before she spots me... but thanks for the show. That was fun.'

Courtney already spotted him. She couldn't believe he showed up without a disguise. She thought that meant he wanted her to see him, but he clearly knew who was in the costume following him back to the lab and didn't want to see her, because he sprinted off and locked himself in his office.

'Hmph... they're poisoning him against me...'

They were all exhausted that evening. They didn't stay late. Joshua and Nyx still went to the gym, like they always did. Nyx and Mercury watched Zorua's favourite comedy movie with their Pokémon and a Gigantamax pizza. For once, even though he was tired and creeped out by those 37 minutes when the clocks froze, he asked if he could go skating with Nyx. That was an important part of her life on Mars. He wanted to take photos of it. She was a little concerned that it might bother her disguised skating companion, but she doubted he would actually be there. Epsilon returned to the work he was swamped by at the lab. Firmino only just removed a bouncy castle from the sewer.

She was wrong. He was there, in a Cacturne carnival costume that made him more anonymous than ever. Mercury nervously asked if he would mind him taking photos. He hesitated, then shrugged and carried on skating. Zorua jumped back onto its skateboard and followed. Zoroark was skating all over the park with them by then. Its tricks were as impressive as any human's. Before they left, when Nyx was chasing Zorua, Nyx's anonymous companion pulled Mercury to one side. He apparently trusted him if Nyx did.

'Will you send me these photos?'

'Sure, dude. Are you... who I think you are?'

'Probably. But just in case...'

He took the ID from his bag. Mercury faintly saw the name and photo in the streetlight. He was who he thought he was.

'I guess you don't want me to tell her...?'

'I don't care. I know who she is. But if she doesn't want to know, that's cool, too.'

Mercury knew Nyx didn't want to know, but he couldn't resist asking her anyway. She smirked to herself. Hearing that Mercury knew for sure, she found that she did want to know, but...

'Nah. I'm good. If I do find out one day... he can be the one to tell me. Arceus-damn-it, Mercury! Even after... everything... I'm such a fuckin' hopeless romantic. I was happy for this to stay like it is, but... I know he's one of two guys and I'm seeing the one I think he is – without a disguise – coming to my classes and I'm falling for him! Fuck this, man! I hate it! Arrrrgh! Why am I like this?! But I don't need to act on it. I really don't need to. No matter how much I like him... and know he likes me... I can't go there. It has to stay like this. It's different to anything I've had before... and I don't ever want to look back on it and feel bitter...'

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