Chapter 41: A Spine-Chilling Sight

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'Excuse me.'

Courtney shrieked when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She span, knocking over the table she hid under and everything on it, to see Racer smirking at her.

'Who are you?!'

'Well, you're who I thought you were. We met at the carnival, didn't we?'

'I don't know. I don't care! Get out of my way!'

She flung out her arm to command Houndoom to attack, but it wasn't there. It returned to its Poké Ball without permission. Her hand whacked Racer in the mouth instead. One of his contact lenses fell out. She frowned.

'Who are you? What are you hiding?'

Her frown became a glare.

'Are you stalking Firmino Buckley?!'


Racer stopped smirking. He blinked.

'Who on Earth – or Mars – is Firmino Buckley?'

'Do you live under a rock?! He's the leader of Team Aqua! He's a super-intelligent planetary scientist and the reason you have running water! What are you, a tourist?'

Racer's smirk returned.

'Ah. I see. That's who you're stalking.'

'What? I'm not stalking anyone! Who are you stalking? You're stalking someone, 'cause you're always out here! You – have binoculars! Get out of my way! Firmino's been framed as a bad guy. And now he's been framed as Joshua Pickett's killer. I have to prove it wasn't him. He's my boyfriend!'

'Of course he is.'

Racer crawled out and stood aside. Courtney shot straight out. Her binoculars clattered against her camera as she jumped to her feet.

'Run after him if you like, but I don't like to see pretty ladies crying.'

Courtney was about to run. She hesitated.


'Even if he is your boyfriend, I think you'll be disappointed to find that he's shagging someone else.'

'You don't know anything. No-one knows him like I do. What are you trying to imply?'

'I'm not implying anything, my dear. Come here.'

He switched his camera on. He had over 200 photos of Nyx and Firmino skating, but Courtney scoffed at those. That was Epsilon.

'I thought I recognised him...'

Racer's smirk became a grin. 'No wonder he was giving me daggers.'

'What? What are you talking about? I told you – that's not the guy you just saw. It's his buddy. Epsilon Hjortsberg. Can't you tell the difference?! He's ugly! Firmino is beautiful!'

'But this is your bloke.'

Nyx and Firmino stayed apart while they were outside, but Racer caught him taking her hand before the door closed. His hood was down by then. He wasn't wearing goggles anymore. It was clearly Firmino. Courtney's fists clenched.

'Why do you care? You don't like her, do you? She's a murderer! Her exes end up in ditches!'

'I would know. I'm one of them.'

'You... now... analysing...'

Recognition suddenly flashed in Courtney's eyes.

'Anaylsis complete! You're Racer Sycamore!'

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