Chapter 49: Wonder

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'Hey, look...'

Jin tried his best to sound positive.

'Let's just do what we can. We really will be needing photosynthesis if Thalassa's plan works – and I'm sure it will.'

Thalassa and Julien were in Kazuki's office for hours while they discussed the plan. Then he led them to a basement that previously, even Julien wasn't allowed access to. He had a 'secret weapon' to contribute. Thalassa didn't tell her friends what it was, but she assured them that she was surer than ever that they could finally provide Mars with a magnetic field.

'We've got one job for now – to build these greenhouses. Remember, even under Rudolph, if we prove we've done everything we possibly can, we've completed our mission. We can go home.'

'I'm not convinced he'll ever let us...'

Callerya sighed. 'We probably know way too much...'

'We won't know if we don't try. So come on.'

Jin switched cheerful music on while they familiarised themselves with the robots they would use to build the greenhouses. There were hundreds of other people at the lab. The Team Magma and Aqua Grunts who would help and eventually watch over the Pokémon shook their hands or bowed. Many introduced themselves as 'Doctor.' Like most of the Grunts on Mars, they were accomplished scientists. They were excited about the project. They also knew what happened when Courtney's Grunts neglected their duty, so wanted to reassure them that it would never happen there. That made Callerya feel slightly better. She still questioned the point of their work.

By the time they retired for the night, their building materials and machinery were unpacked. They were ready to begin when the morning came.

Zorua curled up on Nyx's keyboard when she opened her laptop to call her family. She was pleasantly surprised to see her little brother Alastor – nicknamed Allie – on the screen for the first time since she arrived on Mars. He finally emerged from Obsidian City after conquering the entire Battle Frontier.

'Niiiice! How did Wisteria take the loss?'

'Terribly, as expected.'

Callerya sighed. No matter how many times her mother lost to her challengers, she never changed. She was still a sore loser. Not that Callerya handled losing well, but she wasn't a Frontier Brain.

'Mom and Dad have been telling me all about this boyfriend of yours.'

'Hey! That's not all I've got to tell you! OK, it is the least depressing bit, but there's Racer and Hera and–'



Pluto's eyes widened in horror as soon as he heard his sister's name. Hera's own parents, Nyx's grandparents, looked equally afraid, but there was a glimmer of hope in Muirne's eyes.

'It's absolutely terrifying that Hera is there, but...'

'I know,' Nyx replied, 'It means Volo probably is. Mercury met this guy from Team Genesis–'

'Team Genesis?!'

'Yeah, but anyway, Mercury met this guy who – well, it turns out he's Khalid's son. And a "dear friend" of his likened him to someone he battled once. We know Volo battled Khalid. It's gotta be him, right?'

The doorbell rang. Of all the things that could tug at Nyx's heart, from the family themselves to the pictures on the wall to the leftovers in tubs on the dinner table, it was the sound of the doorbell that made her wish she was right there in the ranch house. She feebly hoped it might be Styx. It wasn't, of course, but she was glad to see Jamie and her aunts, Delphina and Mercy. When Delphina smiled and waved, it was difficult to imagine that gloomy, aloof Altair was her son. She asked Nyx how she was. She looked increasingly concerned as Nyx repeated the names of all the questionable people who were on Mars. Jamie didn't show it, but Nyx knew he was worried.

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