Chapter 83: Memories

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From Slateport City, the group travelled by sea to lands of dazzling skyscrapers that eventually faded to quaint towns decorated with red lanterns. The mountains were blanketed in snow. Sonnet was relieved that their next flight wasn't Air Orre, but the local budget airlines had their own equally annoying theme songs, which blared for the hours they were delayed on the tarmac. At least they switched them off in the air. Praise bought everything on the merchandise trolley.

In a colourful and deafening city where railways were crammed between uneven lines of apartment blocks, Nyx picked up another rental van. They drove down dirt roads that cut through endless expanses of rice paddies and towering, rugged cliffs that eventually led to the sunny coast. The snow was far behind them by then. No clouds obscured the sun that scorched the beaches.

By then, even Callerya was exhausted. She challenged every battle facility they came across in search of potential Frontier Brains, but she was yet to meet anyone else willing to impulsively abandon their life to go to Mars. She and Thalassa enjoyed relaxing on the beach while reading about the local Pokémon. Praise loved the heat that reminded him of home. He happily sat beside Callerya, but laying on a sunny beach was Sonnet's idea of being cooked alive. He went hiking through rainforests with Mercury, Nyx, Firmino and Eden. Jin and Plectrude took music and cooking classes. They brought a delicious breakfast to the van before they departed.

Nyx knew that most of her fellow adventurers were eager to reach their next destination. She put her foot down to speed along highways rimmed with verdant hills, where the rules of the road no longer seemed to apply. Even Firmino flinched when the driver of a pickup truck, full of people and Pokémon, swerved into their lane without looking. Nyx stamped on the brake so hard that the van stalled and skidded. It was unlike her to scream, but she did. Zorua was left concussed from hitting the windscreen.

'Near-death experience? Check.'

Praise's eyes sparkled. He knew he was almost home. Both of his dads were crazy drivers. It was scary at the time, but since it was an experience he could only have on Earth, he fondly remembered Wish crashing the family car into a tourist bus. His friends blinked in synchrony when he excitedly told the story.

'I think,' Callerya said, 'I can already tell that being totally unfazed by that is a Seri thing.'

Nyx's neck was sore. She wasn't sure if her wrist was sprained. Everyone groaned when Firmino took the wheel, but even the motorbike drivers made him look calm.

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The Seri border came into view. Praise teared up. He could hardly believe it wasn't a dream when he handed over his Seri passport and the officer welcomed him home in his mother tongue. They checked in to a motel once they reached a settlement, Naawua Town, but Praise couldn't sleep. Sonnet wandered with him through the colourful streets, scented by night jasmine and curries cooking in homes, that eventually led to the town's vibrant temple and its golden pagoda that was visible over every roof.

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