Chapter 78: Home

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On the ship's closest approach to Venus, Hadron, Abram, Daeng and Saxon prepared to leave on a Robo Rayquaza. Thalassa passed Abram in the park that morning. She often wandered the corridors through the night, like she did on the way to Mars, but she no longer seemed so tense and afraid.

'Have you tried meditation?'

'I haven't, actually. Kicking the core of Mars did it for me. I think I doubted myself, but then I proved myself wrong and achieved what I set out to do... and what I was meant to do, I guess.'

Abram smiled. 'You certainly did.'

'Maybe I sensed that something was wrong. I don't know, but I feel even better since y'all got Rudolph.'

'So do I, to be honest. I'd suspected that Cipher were on Mars for a long time, but had no proof. Of course, there's still Nessie and possibly Courtney, if she's still loyal to Cipher. But that is the closest they will ever get to world domination. They will never rule again.'

'They did kind of manage to take over a world. But yeah. That's as close as they'll get. Anyway, you were right, in the end... as long as I'm longing for something, I won't lose my mind.'

'I'm glad.'

Abram glanced up at the clock tower. His radio beeped. It was time for him to head to the Robo Rayquaza.

'Well, I must be going. I'm not sure if I'll see you again, so... enjoy Earth.'

Thalassa smiled as she shook his hand.

'Back when we met, I would've said you'd definitely never see me again on a flight home. But y'know what? I'll probably see you soon up on Mars.'

'Really? Well, that's wonderful. We'll be glad to have you. Safe travels, Thalassa. Farewell for now.'

'See ya, mate. "Extreme Speed," as they say.'

Aranchi and Kaikoa would return to Earth. Once they got close, Triton, Koji and Émilie would take another Robo Rayquaza to the Moon. They all gathered at the launchpad to say goodbye to their colleagues.

'Extreme Speed!' Kaikoa cheered as he threw a bag of malasadas to Hadron, who gave it to Koji, 'Smell ya later!'

'Kick their butts!' Triton called, 'You went up against Arceus! Cipher hasn't got a chance!'

'See you soon!' Émilie said, 'Bonne chance!'

'Be careful...'

Aranchi sounded more nervous and hesitant than she intended to, but Hadron was looking at her, so she couldn't just leave it at that.

'You're, um... we really value you, so... don't you dare get killed!'

She sounded so awkward that she was mortified. Hadron's smile was a pleasant surprise.

'No need to worry about us. Enjoy your rest. You've earned it. You two were promoted urgently, but performed as well as any experienced Interplanetary Police officer. Thank you for your bravery and commitment. I'll look forward to working with you again soon.'

'Thank you, Sir!'

Aranchi stiffly saluted. Kaikoa was equally awkward when they left Earth, but he relaxed only days into their mission. He raised his hand in a shaka.

'Mahalo, cousin! Smell ya!'

'I'm sure we'll smell your malasadas again soon. Ciao a tutti!'

Their colleagues waved until the Robo Rayquaza's doors shut. Triton opened the airlock. With the final safety checks complete, the Robo Rayquaza rolled in. The airlock was depressurised. Then the Robo Rayquaza shot out. It shrank to a speck, hurtling towards Venus, in seconds. Triton pressurised the airlock again. Blaziken and Electivire rolled out the Robo Rayquaza that he would soon take to the Moon. Once it was done, he smirked at Aranchi.

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