[Part 5]

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-Next Morning-

11:30 a.m.

"Sir she'll wake up around 12 or after that because the dose was high to make her unconscious." Kang-Min nodded his head and said,

"Make sure to check on her, you can go" The guard bowed and left.

Jae-Hyun and Kang-Min were talking with each other when suddenly Jungkook along with Taehyung and Jimin entered. They greeted each other and sat down.

"Yes dad? What do you want to discuss?" Jae-Hyun took a deep breath and spoke,

"Jungkook, what I'm about to say is going to be very shocking for you so I hope that you calm down and don't react very quickly" Jungkook looked at his father with a confused look and nodded.

"You're married Jungkook since you were ten" he said and Jungkook immediately stood up from his place and his friends looked at each other with wide eyes.

"Dad? Are you drunk? What the fuck are you talki-"

"He is right Jungkook, and the person who you are married to is my daughter." said Kang-Min to which Taehyung stood up

"Dad, I have a sister? What the fuck are you both talking about?" He said and looked at him.

12:15 pm


I opened my eyes slowly while holding my head because it was throbbing in pain. I looked around and my eyes widened in shock when I realized what had happened. I recalled the memory of the black van and tears started welling up in my eyes. Why did they kidnap me? I have no one to save me, what will I do now? No Yn be strong and let's try to get out of here.

She said and stood up from the bed to look for a way to escape. She went towards the window first to check if she could jump but her eyes widened when she saw the distance. Taking a deep breath she went towards the door, hoping it to be open and to her luck it was! She silently went outside and saw no one so she quickly went towards the stairs. She was about to reach the bottom stairs when two guards came up to her and held her.

"Madam, this way" they said and took her towards the living room where the drama was going on.

"Yes Taehyung, you have a sister who is Jungkook's wife" Kang-Min said to his son who couldn't process what was happening.

"I DON'T HAVE A FUCKING WIFE" said Jungkook which made all the people flinch there, including the guards.

Jimin quickly stood up to calm his friend. Jae-Hyun was about to say something but stopped when he heard a girly voice, and everyone looked towards that direction.

"Leave me! Please leave me" Yn said while crying but stopped when she saw Taehyung, Jungkook and Jimin along with two elder men.

She started crying more thinking they are going to kill her because they are mafias. "Yn, please calm down hmm? We are all your family" Jae-Hyun said.

"I don't have a family, they all died. Please leave me, you have picked the wrong person" she said while crying. Kang-Min stood up and went towards her, maintaining a distance so she doesn't get scared

"I'm your father Yn, Kim Kang-Min-"

"No, no, my name is Jeon Yn, not Kim Yn please believe me, I have nothing to give to you guys" she mumbled between her sobs.

Jungkook at this time got angry and burst out, "Dad she is a fucking student in our university! Why the fuck have you picked her up? How do you expect her to be Taehyung's sister and my so-called WIFE HUH?" He said and Yn froze when she heard that.

Kang-Min made her sit on one of the sofa's and started saying "There was a clause that your grandfathers made in their treaty before handing us the throne of their gangs and that was to marry our kids with each other before we turn 45. Of course, we talked about this to them, but they were stuck to this clause as their gang would be in danger. They decided to join the families so that we'd become stronger but unfortunately, they passed away. So, when Jungkook turned 10 and Yn turned 8, we had to marry you both because both of our empires were getting threatened by some gangs and we couldn't risk losing them, so we had no choice. After that, we sent Yn to an orphanage, as it was risky for her to live in a mafia world, and no one knew about her, so we decided to hide her. I used to pay that orphanage to treat you very nicely Yn, so that you'll never feel the need of parents, but I guess it didn't go as I planned. I'm sorry please forgive me" Kang-Min said and tears dropped down his eyes which shocked everyone present there except Yn as they had never seen Kang-Min cry.

Then Jae-Hyun spoke "We still wanted to give you guys time till you complete your university but, some people got to know about Yn and that she is married to Jungkook so we couldn't risk it" Yn couldn't understand what the fuck that was happening around her, she looked at Jungkook and found him looking at her too so she averted her gaze to her lap.

Jungkook was quiet the whole time but then suddenly he looked at his dad, dead in the eye "So dad? Now what? Are we going to have kids or divorce?" Jungkook in a cold, rough voice with visible sarcasm to which Jimin chuckled slowly but getting a glare from everyone he shushed up.

"You can't get a divorce, never take that risk Jungkook. It will break the clause and the businesses will have to suffer badly. Not just Jeon empire but Kim empire too, along with Park empire as all of them are connected to one bond and that is your and Yn's marriage," said Jae-Hyun.

"Huh? So, okay. You might need grandchildren too, to continue this so-called business bond so you get up, let's give your dad and my dad kids, hmm? How many do you want dad? 2 or 3?" Jungkook said with anger while looking at Yn and then his dad but suddenly Taehyung spoke which made all of them shocked,

"Jungkook, fucking respect her cause that is my sister you're talking to. On top of that she is your wife" 

"Hyung? What do you mean wife? I didn't even know of her existence until I saw her in the university. Ahh- I get now... That's why she is a Jeon isn't she dad..." Jungkook said and looked at his dad again who just nodded his head.

"Jungkook, Yn is going to live with you in your mansion" Jae-Hyun said and Jungkook immediately looked at him with shocked eyes

"Dad? NO! Why would she?" Jungkook said

"Because she is your wife young man, and now you have to protect her from the minor gangs who are targeting her" Kang-Min said in a cold scary voice which without doubt scared Jungkook.

"And I hope you treat my daughter nicely Jungkook, cause if I hear a whimper from her, I'll forget that your father is my best-friend. Now you all can leave and take Yn with you." He said and all three of the guys stood up.

Yn was still processing and felt as if she was in a dream. She looked up and saw all five of them looking at her.

"C-can I please live in my own apartment? I don't even know h-him please." She said in a low voice, but her dad shook his head in disagreement and said,

"No Yn, we can't risk your life, you don't know how dangerous this is." This made her tear up as her life was taking a sudden turn which she didn't even know existed.

She silently stood up but started feeling dizzy so she held her head but before she could do something further her eyes closed, and she fell on the ground with a thud which made everyone widen their eyes except her husband.

"YN!" shouted Taehyung before anyone could and went towards her.  

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