[Part 23]

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"I got my periods and I don't have any pads nor any undergarments" She said and closed her eyes. Jungkook was just left frozen in his place, looking at her.

Jungkook POV
P-periods? W-what....What am I supposed to do now. I gulped a lump in my throat and dialed my guards number. Within 2 seconds he picked it up and I took a deep breath before saying

"Uh, can you get me p-pa--" Jungkook couldn't complete his sentence when Yn snatched his phone and cut the call. She looked at him angrily, cheeks red due to embarrassment because he was gonna ask his guard. "Are you dumb or what!? This is all your fault! If you didn't rush all the things, I would've packed everything! Now go get me the things cause you're my husband not your security guard!!" She shouted at him while pointing a finger, her mood swings have started.

Jungkook looked at her perplexed, not knowing what to say. She's the first person to shout and point a finger at him. "B-but I don't know w-what, h-how to get them" He told her innocently making her more angry. "Ugh! How are you one of the top businessmen when you're so dumb! Get up and take me to a convenience store!" She again shouted making Jungkook stand up from the bed immediately. Yn had no option than to go with him as he didn't know what to buy so she silently prayed that she doesn't leaks or it would be so embarrassing.

They both entered the convenience store that was 5 minutes drive from the villa they were staying at. He silently followed her, and went towards the woman section. Yn gave him a side eye before picking up the necessities for herself and then she went towards the section where the other things were at. She silently picked them up and went towards the counter, followed by Jungkook who was processing what is happening. Yn folded her arms on her chest and looked at Jungkook who was staring back at her "What?" He asked "Pay the bill, I don't have money." She replied making him shocked at her boldness. Nonetheless he nodded his head and took out some cash, asking the cashier to keep the change as they went outside. Jungkook was waiting for the guards when he notice a red stain on the back of Yn's trousers. His eyes widened as he immediately went and stood behind her. She flinched and raised an eyebrow at him. "uh..the.. I guess you got a stain" He whispered making her eyes widened. Tears gathered in her eyes and she looked at Jungkook angrily. "This is all y-your fault!" She shouted making Jungkook flinch. How is this my fault stupid woman. He thought but stayed silent.

Yn immediately rushed towards the washroom as soon as they reached the bedroom while Jungkook sighed and dialed Taehyung. "Hello?" Taehyung asked "Uh hi hyung.. Umm.. Actually your sister.. I mean Yn got you know like pe..." he said but stopped midway "Periods?" Taehyung asked making Jungkook reply "yes" "Hyung, what am I supposed to do? She gets angry so easily and she even shouts at me. She cries and blames me for everything and-" Jungkook ranted but Taehyung cut him off with a laugh. "Those are mood swings dumbass. Girls get them during their periods. You just have to take care of her. She'll get cramps so you'll have to give her heat pads, or caress her stomach. You'll have to get her chocolates and cuddle her an--" Jungkook just cut the call, not being able to handle more. I have to do what? He internally screamed. Just then the door opened revealing Yn, who without looking at him laid on the bed. Jungkook gulped a lump in his throat as he went towards the bed and laid beside her.

"A-are you fine?" He asked to which she just "hummed" and closed her eyes. Maybe she is feeling better now. He thought as he opened his laptop to do some work. Then a sudden realization hit him as he thought why do I care about her? What is going on with me? Jungkook quickly shrugged it off as he focused on his laptop, checking the mails he had received.

It was 2 a.m. in the night when Jungkook was finally done with his work. He stretched himself up and let out a huge tired sigh as he put the laptop on the night stand. Jungkook was about to lay down when suddenly  Yn curled herself up in a ball and let out a whimper. His head whipped towards her as he stared at his wife who was shifting uncomfortably in her place. "Y-Yn... " Jungkook whispered while gulping. She didn't reply and continued to move in her place. Jungkook suddenly held her by her arms as she was moving too much. "What happened?" He asked her who had her eyes tightly closed. "J-Jungkook it's h-hurting" She cried out as tears streamed down her closed eyes. Jungkook panicked as he immediately stood up and sat properly. "What's hurting? Huh? Should I call a doctor-" He mumbled as Yn's eyes shot open making him flinch "I'm getting cramps you dumb piece of shit! She shouted and closed her teary eyes and turned her head to the other side.

Jungkook recalled what Taehyung had told him and gulped. Should I? He thought as he slowly laid down and bought his hand near Yn's waist to hug it but then took it back. Thinking for about three minutes he cursed as he slowly covered her waist with his hands making Yn froze. Jungkook glued his body with hers, with Yn's back on his chest and his hands on her bare waist under her shirt. "W-what are you do-doing" She whispered nervously. "Isn't this how cramps reduce? Hmm? Do you want me to do something else? Bring chocolates? Or heat pads?" Jungkook asked her making Yn shocked at his sudden behaviour What's up with him? She thought but her cramps were so severe that she couldn't say anything further but let out a painful moan.

Yn curled herself into a ball, her hands on top of Jungkook's while her back was tightly pressed against his back. Jungkook noticed her state so he bought his face closer to her neck, blowing it and pecking it from time to time while he caressed her waist slowly. "Shh wifey, the pain will go. Close your eyes and try to sleep hmm? I'm here with you"

What is happening to Jungkook guys?? Is he falling in love with her or just acting hmm 😯😯

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