[Part 26]

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You've trapped the devil with yourself wifey... And now this devil won't ever let you go Jungkook thought while smirking as he looked at his wife who was busy while taking out the cake from the oven.

"Ahhh! Finally done" Yn said as she had completed decorating the cake while Jungkook was standing there with a done face.

"What was the need for this, I could've ordered one fr-" Jungkook said while looking at her but she glared at him making him stop.

"Who told you to stay here with me? I could bake it by myself" Yn said as she looked into his cold eyes.

Jungkook let out a chuckle, coming closer towards her and trapped her between the kitchen counter and himself. "Because I'm a good husband, wifey" He whispered in her ear making her gulp and push him away from her.

"L-let's eat the cake, if you don't want to, stay here" She said as she ran away along with the cake while Jungkook followed her.

"We have to go to a party tomorrow at--" Jungkook said while taking a bite of the cake.

"B-but I don't have the clothes to wear for a party" She said as she looked at Jungkook who was poking his cheek with his tongue.

Jungkook looked at her and showed her a sarcastic smile. "Let me complete my sentence wifey. I was about to tell you that the dress is prepared, it will be delivered soon"

Yn chuckled and nodded her head as she ate the piece of cake. "J-Jungkook can I also give the cake to the guards on the gate, they stay there all the tim--"

"No" Jungkook said coldly as he stood up to leave but Yn also stood up and stood in front of him, blocking his way.

"P-please, I want them to taste it" She said as she looked at him with puppy eyes making him sigh in defeat.

"Fine, let's go" He said as he signaled a maid there to bring the cake.

Jungkook and Yn went towards the gate towards the guards who were talking among other while standing.

"B-boss" One of them said making all the others widen their eyes and stand still.

"I b-bought cake for you guys cause I baked it and wanted you to try it too!" Yn said while approaching them with a smile making them shocked.

Before she could go near them, Jungkook grabbed her by her shirt and pulled her back making her bump into his chest. He looked down at her and then at the maid standing beside them. He signaled her to give the cake which she did.

"After you eat it, tell my wife how the cake was" Jungkook said as he dragged Yn with him without waiting for the guards to reply..

"Now that you've done what you wanted, sleep wifey and get ready at 7pm tomorrow" Jungkook said to Yn when they entered the bedroom.

Yn rolled her eyes at him as she was angry why he pulled her back because she was gonna say something to them. 

"Why are you sulking wifey?" Jungkook asked her as he sat on the bed and looked at her pouty lips.

"Why did you pull me back while I was gonna talk to them!?" She asked him making him chuckle.

"Because you can't get that close to them wifey, that's not how my life works." Jungkook said.

"But it's my life an-" Yn protested but Jungkook cut her off.

"Since you are my wife, your life and my life are same" Jungkook said and covered himself with the duvet making Yn sigh and go to the washroom.

-Next Day 6:30 pm-

When the fuck is he coming Yn thought as she waited for Jungkook in the bedroom. After five minutes the door opened revealing Jungkook.

"Are you ready wifey?" Jungkook said making Yn nod her head.

"Give me five minutes, then we'll leave" He said and entered the washroom.

"It's gonna take around thirty minutes till we reach there. It's a private event so there will be no media's inside but I don't know about the outside. I've told my guards to check but til we enter inside, please wear the mask" Jungkook said as he handed Yn the mask while focusing on the road as he was driving.

Yn looked at him while furrowing her eyebrows. "You aren't a celebrity so why do you have so many cameras following you" She innocently asked him making him chuckle loudly.

"There are a lot of reasons why they follow me but right now the most important one is that they want to take a picture of you" Jungkook said as Yn widened her eyes.

"Yeah, they got to know about you somehow, but don't worry they keep on barking" Jungkook said and Yn nodded her head.

After twenty-five minutes, they reach the venue and unfortunately there was a swarm of the reporters and camera men. They wanted to block Jungkook's car but his security was there to not let that happen. Yn wore the mask and gulped cause she never expected something like this to happen.

"Hold me tight wifey, it's gonna be a ride" Jungkook said to her as he stopped his car.

His security guard opened the door for him as he got out and the camera flashes blinded him. There was a roar among the people as they saw Jungkook going towards the other side of the car to open the door. Jungkook gave Yn his hand as she held it with her shaky one. The camera flashes were so much that she turned towards Jungkook and hid herself in his chest.

"Let's go wifey" Jungkook whispered in her ear and started walking while covering her.

"Jungkook! Jungkook!"
"Are you his wife miss?"
"Please look at the camera!"

The people screamed and tried to get closer to them but Jungkook's guards were no joke. After passing through the hell hole, they reached the inside of the venue and breathed out. Now, the people inside gasped collectively after seeing Jungkook with a girl.

"Hello Mr. Jungkook! Pleasure to have you here. You may leave this women here and come inside"

Shit's about to happen ig? But not so soon. Soo.... get ready guys..

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