[Part 24]

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"Shh wifey, the pain will go. Close your eyes and try to sleep hmm? I'm here with you" Jungkook whispered in her ears making her shiver but nonetheless she hummed and closed her eyes, hoping the pain will fucking go.

The next morning Yn woke up with her face snuggled onto Jungkook's chest and her arms around his toned waist. She immediately pulled her head back but was blocked as Jungkook was also hugging her. I have to change my pad she thought and tried to free herself from Jungkook's grip but he didn't even move.

"Jungkook!" She whisperingly shouted making him slowly open his eyes.

He hummed as he looked at her with his tired sleepy eyes. "Leave me, I need to go to the washroom" She said while looking down but when her eyes landed on his chest she looked back up.

Jungkook nodded as he left her waist and closed him eyes again, letting the darkness engulf him.

A week has passed and Yn's periods ended. Nothing much happened except Jungkook used to give her chocolates whenever her cramps started.

Right now, Jungkook is not in the house as he said he had some work so Yn is sitting alone in the living room, looking at the view of the city from the huge glass window. Suddenly her phone started ringing making her startle but she picked it up noticing that Taehyung had called her.

"Hello princess, how are you?" Taehyung asked with a sweet voice making Yn giggle.

"I'm doing well oppa, how about you and the rest over there?" She replied to him.

"Everyone's perfect here but you tell me, are your periods over princess? Hmm? Jungkook told me that you had cramps and sever mood swings?" Taehyung asked making her shocked to her core.

Yn was left stunned for a moment Jungkook you dumb fucker she thought but quickly replied while stuttering "Y-yes Oppa t-they're over"

The talk went on for almost an hour after which they cut the call after bidding goodbye's.

Yn slowly went towards the couch and sat on it not being able to process it. Jeon Jungkook! No one will save you from me Yn said in her thoughts and harshly bit the apple that was in front on her.

After about two hours the front door opened revealing Jungkook who was on his phone, talking to someone. Yn huffed in anger as soon as she saw him but he was not sparing a glance at her and went straight towards the kitchen

Another fifteen minutes passed and Jungkook finally came out of the kitchen after he cut the call. He glanced at Yn and sat on the couch, letting out a sigh after resting his head on the couch.

He didn't say anything as he closed his eyes but Yn had other plans. "Did you fucking tell Tae Oppa about my.. my p-periods?" She suddenly shouted making him let out tired sigh and open his eyes.

"Not now Yn, I'm not in the mood" He tiredly replied making her shake her head.

"But why did you tell him huh? It was not something to discuss with him! You are really a dumb p-" She was shouting at him making his anger level increase and took out his gun, pointing directly at her forehead .

"Shut up! JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP! I dare you to call me dumb again and the next thing you'll see is the bullet of my gun right in your fucking forehead! What did you expect me to do when you were fucking shouting at me and showing you're damn mood swings?HUH?" He shouted while Yn looked at him with teary eyes.

"P-put that g-gun down" She whispered as tears streamed down her face making Jungkook shake his head and come back to reality. He gulped as he put his gun back quickly and tried to approach her but she backed off.

"Y-Yn I-im-" He whispered, wanting to drown himself and this was the first time he felt guilty after doing something.

"I-I'm s-sorry, I w-won't say that again" Yn whispered while looking at him with her teary eyes and immediately left, running towards the bedroom.

Jungkook huffed in anger as he shouted and kicked the glass table, making it break into pieces.

"You dumb shit! She is right, you are dumb  you fucker!" He shouted and at this time, the guards outside came inside, eyes widening at the mess their boss had created.

Meanwhile Yn immediately plopped herself on to the bed and cried her eyes out.

"I h-hate him, I th-thought he was c-changing himself b-but..." She said between her sobs as each minute passing by they got louder.

After twenty minutes Jungkook was standing outside the door, hearing his wife's light sobs. He was fighting internally whether to go in or not but after sometime he decided to go in.

Jungkook gulped a lump in his throat as he silently entered the bedroom and looked at his wife who was sitting on the bed while she had curled herself into a ball. Her shoulders going up and down, indicating she was still crying. Jungkook wanted to drown himself at this point You fucker He cursed himself as he slowly approached.

"W-wifey" He whispered making her immediately look up at him with her teary red eyes.

"Hmm?" She replied while looking at her lap, not daring to meet his eyes.

Jungkook was trying to say "sorry" to her but he couldn't as he, in his twenty-two years of lifetime had never said sorry to anyone. I can do it. He thought to himself.

"I'm s-so-sorry" He said while looking at her as burst into tears making him widen his eyes.

Jungkook immediately went near her and sat down on the bed, right beside her as he engulfed her in a hug.

"I'm so so sorry wifey, I was angry at that time because one of my men had betrayed me. I swear to God it was not intentional, it was that.. I was extremely angry and you.. You came and shouted at me making me more angry... I'm so sorry again, I'll never do that again, I promise" Jungkook said as he slowly patted her back.

What are you doing Jungkook?? 😡
Also guys follow me on instagram if you want to @sft.ggvk ❤

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