[Part 20]

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Two months have passed since the incident and because of that Yn rarely leaves the house. Meanwhile Jungkook barely comes to the house and the most he stayed inside the house was for 4 consecutive days. Yn has gotten closer to Jimin and Taehyung as they visit her often. She also has developed a nice relationship with her dad and Jungkook's dad and now feels less lonely but the only thing that didn't change is her and Jungkook's relationship. He's still the cold person and barely talks with her and her being scared of him doesn't even go near him. Whenever Jungkook sleeps in the house he makes Yn hug him and then sleep just like he did that day when she was being chased by men.

Today Yn and Jungkook have to go to a dinner with their family members as Jungkook's father and Yn's father both are going abroad for 2 months for some business. Yn is getting ready but Jungkook still hasn't arrived. After wearing the beautiful dark blue velvety dress that her brother Taehyung had sent, she sat down on the bed waiting for Jungkook to arrive.

Yn was scrolling through her phone when the door opened revealing Jungkook. He looked at her and then went towards the washroom to change his clothes. Yn just sighed and continued to scroll through her phone waiting for her husband to come out but suddenly the washroom door opened revealing a shirtless Jungkook with a towel covering his lower body. Yn's eyes widened as she stared at Jungkook's abs and his muscles but she quickly coughed and looked back at her phone.

"Can you pass my clothes from the closet?" He asked making her flinch due to his husky voice. Yn nodded her head and went to the closet to get Jungkook's suit which was also sent by Taehyung. With trembling hands she gave the suit to him and was about to turn around but he grabbed her wrist making her freeze on her place. "Are you still scared of me? Why are you trembling?" He said with a dark voice making her shake her head. She gulped as she remembered he doesn't likes when someone does not reply to him so she said, "N-no" Jungkook smirked and pulled her closer to himself making her hands lay on his chest as she looked at him with wide eyes.

"He's naked under the towel! He's naked under the towel!" Yn chanted inside her head while looking into his eyes. Jungkook bend down to her level as his lips reached her ear which he nibbled a bit before whispering "Then why are you stuttering wifey? Hmm? " He moved back up and looked in her innocent eyes who was looking at him shocked. "I-I'm not stuttering" She said as she looked down at his chest but immediately looked up again in his eyes as she got shy. "We're getting late, get ready" She said and ran out of the room making him chuckle cute he said and went to the washroom to get ready.

Yn went towards the living room, waiting for Jungkook to arrive and after sometime he arrived while looking at his phone. He looked upwards and signaled the guard to get the cars ready, and went outside with Yn following him. Jungkook sat in the drivers seat and Yn sat on the passengers seat and started the car. Two cars were ahead of him while three were following him from the back making Yn think how much his life is in risk. She looked outside at the city, thinking how she used to live in a shabby apartment, struggling with money, barely getting food and how her life has completely changed now. Living a luxurious life, wearing branded clothes, owning a black card. But was she fond of this? No. She sometimes wish she could go back to her normal life, living like a normal university girl instead of a high class one. Then her eyes landed on her husband who was driving silently with one arm on the driving wheel and the other on his lap, resting peacefully. She scanned him from his arms to his perfect face to his thick muscular thighs. What a waste of beauty, he's got it all but his rude and cold nature UGH she thought and looked outside again. Jungkook noticed her staring at him and smirked. Finally she found something interesting in- wait what the fuck am I thinking!? He quickly looked forward and shrugged his thoughts.

Soon they arrived at the restaurant and Yn's eyes widened in shock as she looked at the grand exterior. Jungkook drove the car towards the entrance and stopped it there, calling his security for confirmation. After everything was clear he nodded his head and went out, going towards Yn's side of the car and opening it. He helped her come out of the car and adjust het dress and bend towards her ear "Hold my arm, wifey" He ordered which she silently obeyed and did. They went towards the entrance door where the staff were lined up to greet Jungkook and as soon as they spotted him everyone smile but Jungkook maintained his cold face. The manager came forward offering a bouquet before saying "Welcome Mr. Jungkook and Miss?.." Jungkook's guard came forward and took the bouquet and then they marched forward but Jungkook stopped and looked at the manager "She's my wife, address her as Mrs. Jungkook" He said and went forward with Yn whose heart was beating so fast that she thought it might pop out.

They went towards the elevator and that's when Yn noticed the absence of people in the restaurant. He might have rented it like the mall, rich people She thought and shrugged off. "This belongs to your brother" Jungkook suddenly said making her look at him "Huh?" She asked looking at him "This restaurant belongs to your brother and father which they're planning to give it you" He told while looking at her who had the most confused look on her face. Before she could reply, the elevator dinged as the door opened making her sigh in relief.

As soon as the people who were waiting for them, spotted them, they stood up smiling while greeting them. Then they all sat down and ordered the food. "Yn my daughter is my son taking care of you? If he isn't tell me so that I'll beat him up!" Mr.Jeon said as everyone laughed... well except for Jungkook who was sitting there with his cold face, not finding this funny. Yn gulped and looked all of them who were looking back at her for an answer "N-no h-he takes c-care of me" She said while smiling, making all of them believe in her except Jungkook cause he knew she was lying.

Soon the food had arrived and all of them started eating except.. Well Jungkook as he had gone to the corner to attend a call. After five minutes he came and sat down, in between Taehyung and Yn. His dad looked at him and raised his eyebrows but he shook his head, indicating everything is fine. "Baby, how is university going? Hmm?" Taehyung asked Yn while chewing his food. "It's going well oppa, everything is fine" She replied with a smile to which he nodded and started to eat again. They all had finished dinner and now suddenly everyone was looking at each other, except Jungkook and Yn who were confused to what is happening. Yn's father coughed to gain all of their attention and looked at his daughter and son in law. "As well all know, that Yn's and Jungkook's marriage was unexpected and sudden so me and Jae-hyun have to decided to apologize by... By" He was telling but stopped when he came at the end of the sentence not being able to complete it due to nervousness. Yn and Jungkook looked at them confused and then at each other when suddenly Jungkook's father spoke, completing his friends sentence that he left. "We have decided to apologize by sending you guys on honeymoon"

I'm the worst author ik. Please forgive me for making you guys wait. It's just that so many events are occurring in my life that have made me shocked. I'm just trying to pull myself together, so please forgive me!! If you can please buy me a coffee, it helps me❤

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